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third person.

Soon after Zach was let out the hospital the boy went straight back to planning Serenity's birthday, and after two weeks, it was finally the night before the girls eighteenth.

As her birthday was set to be on a Monday, Zach and Treasure decided to throw her party on the Sunday, so no one was working that day. Since Treasure and Serenity were already in LA because she refused to leave his side after his incident with the hospital, the plan was already working perfectly.

"I don't know if I trust Zach to drive." Treasure said as the two girls headed outside, Serenity shrugged and looked at her with a smile on her face, "You trust him?"

"He hasn't killed me," She said through a laugh, walking over to Zach's car as he opened the door for the girl, "He's a good driver, I promise."

"I am a good driver." Zach nodded as he looked at Treasure, "You get drunk for a living."

"It was one timeee." She rolled her eyes before getting into the back seat of the car as Serenity rolled her eyes and looked at Zach.

"I don't want to say anything about how you look because Treasure can hear me and I don't want to say the wrong thing," Zach said as he smiled, "But when she leaves I will compliment you."

She nodded and thanked the boy before getting in the car and waiting for him to get in the other side before they drove off to the boys house where her party would be held.

Once they arrived, the three of them headed up the steps before stopping at the door, "Now Ren, I know you didn't want a big party."

"Oh no." She replied, looking at Zach as Treasure laughed slightly, "How many people did you invite?"

"Just about everyone you lost contact with, within the past two years." Zach said as her mouth dropped open slightly before looking at Treasure, "I got told some of them didn't make it to your launch party."

"Promise us you wont cry," Treasure said as she looked at Serenity, watching her nod slowly as she then opened the door to the boys house.

As the three walked inside, the house was lit up and too many people to count were stood facing the door all with smiles on their faces as they had been patiently waiting for the trio. Hanging down from the ceiling were paper butterflies, a few on each piece of invisible string and spread out across the room that were each separated by a string of fairy lights in between them.

Before the girl could even turn around to thank Zach and Treasure, she was quickly pulled into the group of people who were all dying to see her, which made the smile on Zach's face drop.

"Just give her ten minutes," Treasure said as he nodded, "Good luck on your plan."

"I'm nervous." He replied as Treasure shrugged and shook her head.

"Don't be, shes got the promise ring on." She said as she smiled before spotting Eben and walking off to him as Zach furrowed his eyebrows and moved his gaze towards the girls hand, to see the ring placed on her finger again.

After his twenty minutes of waiting and talking to many people to pass time, eventually Serenity walked up to the boys and wrapped her arms around him as he was sat down before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Ew girls are gross," Zach replied, as he wiped his cheek with his hand before looking at her, seeing the offended look on her face, "I'm kiddinggg, I have a surprise for you."

"I don't want it until you say sorry." Serenity replied as he got up and looked at her, "Using either words or I guess I could accept a kiss."

"I'm sorryyy." He said, grabbing a hold of her hand before pulling the girl towards him and placing a kiss on her lips as she smiled at him, "Now can I give you the surprise?"

"Yes." She nodded as he took her past the crowd of people towards the area outside, which had the same decorations as inside. Once they reached the bottom of the steps and had reached the porch area, Zach pulled his phone out of his pocket before playing Perfect by One Direction, "Oh my god."

"It's not a slow song but it's a song," Zach shrugged as he held out his hand and gave her a smile, "May I have this dance?"

"I can't dance," She replied as he rolled his eyes and grabbed her hand anyway, pulling her closer to him as he placed his other hand on her waist, "I'm serious I don't know how to do this."

"I don't know either, just have fun with it." He shrugged as Serenity nodded before the pair spent the next three minutes somewhat slow dancing while also laughing at how awkward it became before they eventually stopped.

"I have a question," Zach said as they both looked up at each other, "And I'm nervous to ask it oh god."

"I don't bite." Serenity said sarcastically as the boy laughed and shook his head, "Oh my god little things just started playin-"

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Zach interrupted her as she shot her head towards him, "That look makes me so nervous."

"I'll be your girlfriend." The girl replied as she smiled, "I don't know why you were so nervous to ask that."

"Because you're intimidating," Zach said as he pulled her in for a hug, "I'm kidding, I just didn't know what you'd say."

"And I thought you knew me so welll," She shook her head as she let out a small laugh, watching the boy roll his eyes and smile as he put his phone back in his pocket.

"You're so annoyingggg," Zach replied as the pair made their way back up the stairs to join the party again, "I regret this already."

She stopped and looked at him as the smile on his face dropped before Serenity grabbed one of the cups filled with water off of the table, "Don't make me pour it over you."

"Ohhh she's so scaryyy." Zach said with a sarcastic tone in his voice, trying his best to look as scared as possible as the girl poured the cup of water over him and ran off inside, "Ren!"

The boy quickly followed her inside and chased her up the stairs towards his room at the end of the hall, "My clothes are soaked."

"Sounds like a personal problem." She shrugged, reaching onto his bed as she grabbed a cushion and threw it at him before letting out a laugh.

"Renny," He frowned and looked up at her before pulling her in for a hug, "It feels like i'm overly sweating."

"You're gross." She replied, trying to get out of his grip before he leant in and gave her a kiss, "A kiss isn't going to make stop trying to get out of your grip, you're wet."

"I wonder why." Zach raised his eyebrows before moving his arms down to her waist, "I want anotherrr." He said before she gave the boy another kiss, which he quickly deepened slightly,opening up the possibilities for what the rest of the night could lead to for the new couple, which would leave them very happy, but tired the next morning.

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)


basically they had ~sex~ ok

also double update go me am i right kids

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