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third person.

As the sun began to rise over New York City, it peered through the blinds of the girls bedroom that had not been closed that night due to her not being able to sleep, shining off of everything reflective and letting her know that she had gone yet another night with little to no sleep.

She sighed, looking over at her phone to see the time had just gone half five in the morning and she was yet to prepare for another day that was bound to be unpredictable and give her anything it had to offer.

Eben and Treasure had arrived at the airport the night before, coming straight to the apartment and spending an hour or two talking with Serenity, before they went off to bed and had been asleep since, which left the girl feeling alone yet again.

Although she knew she was to blame for her loneliness, and she understood how that tweet was taken out of context and made it seem like the fan was doing nothing wrong when Serenity tweeted, she didn't understand why the friend group who were not in the band had taken it as badly as the band did.

It felt strange to her nevertheless, how the mornings and the evenings seemed quieter without a FaceTime call, her phone became dry because they were no texts asking about her day and how she didn't dare go on to twitter or instagram because of how badly people were speaking about her.

Sitting up in her bed, she grabbed one of Zach's hoodies placed on the floor and put it on, making her way to the kitchen where Eben and Treasure were already up making pancakes.

"You're going to burn the place down." Eben told Treasure, neither of them noticing that Serenity had walked into the room yet, "Fucking hell Treasure that's too much oil."

"If you're not careful I'll have you slip over oil and break your arm in a minute." Treasure replied as she looked at him, her eyebrows raised and a threatening smile on her face as Eben let out a laugh.

"That's cute." He nodded, glancing over to where Serenity was standing as he gave her a small smile, "Hi."

"Oh hey Ren." Treasure smiled as she looked over, "Don't ask for pancakes because I'm going to burn them."

"I wasn't hungry anyway." She shrugged, sitting down at the counter as she rested her head on one of her hands which was rested on the table, "I think I have a meeting today."

"With who?" Treasure asked.

"Harold," Serenity rolled her eyes, "I had one with him two days ago and all he told me was don't say anything on social media, turn off comments and act like it didn't happen."

"But that's not going to help because ignoring it makes it worst." She continued, "If I don't apologise for what I said that's going to make me look like a horrible person, which I get I already am but my actions need an apology to the people I've upset."

"Not to mention I didn't even do anything wrong - at least I don't think I did. I get the tweet wasn't the best thing to do especially since it looks like it was to a fan account of whatever Zach is to me right now, but it's Maddy and no one believes that it's Maddy because I'm convinced she set me up."

"Ren, breathe." Eben said, a somewhat shocked look on his face as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Or continue," Treasure shrugged, "Zach wouldn't let you speak but we will."

"It just annoys me because I've done so much for Zach, I've never said one wrong thing to or about him, his band mates or his fans, I've never lied to him but I say one thing and tell him it's Maddy and I can show him the proof and he doesn't believe me?" Serenity explained, a confused look appearing on her face as she shook her head.

"It makes me feel like he doesn't appreciate what I do for him," She signed, her eyes tearing up a little, "He's literally taken sides with someone who treated him like shit."

"Listen, sometimes he doesn't realise what he has-"

"He's a fucking dick." Treasure interrupted Eben as he furrowed his eyebrows and looked at her, "What Eben is trying to say is that he's very unappreciative and needs to get his head out of the gutter otherwise I'm going to roundhouse his ass to-"

"Sh, babe you're so aggressive." Eben interrupted her, covering her mouth as she rolled her eyes, "I'm saying he'll come around eventually, the truth always comes out in the end, this "scandal" won't last forever."

"But sometimes they do." Serenity mumbled, looking at Eben as he shook his head with a sympathetic smile on his face.

"Everyone will come around, I was speaking to Jack because he asked how you were and after I explained everything he's now considering getting a flight here," The boy explained, moving his hand away from Treasure's mouth and wiping it on her shirt, "And Jack is good at convincing Zach to do so many things, everything will work out."

"Jack's coming?" She asked, her face lightning up a little, "Is he bringing Lav? And Gabbie?"

"I don't think so, because they don't believe you, you know how Gabbie is." He shrugged, "But Jack wants to get a flight he's just checking it over with management."

"Everything will fix itself, you just worry about the things you can control rather than the things you can't." Treasure said, finishing up her pancakes as the girl nodded.

"Besides you have us two what more could you need to have fun." Eben said through a small laugh, "Plus when Jack arrives, he's the life of the party."

"Oh definitely." Serenity said, letting out a small laugh, "I can't wait."

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)


1) this trio🥺🥺

2) i hope everyone's having a good day, my day hasn't been the best but if anyone is feeling down today remember that tomorrow is always a new day to start over <3

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