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third person.

"What would you do- Why are you painting butterflies stop it." Zach walked over to her and took the paintbrush out of her hand, "Who made you sad?"

"If I say, you'll be upset." She said, watching the boy as he sat down beside her, his face slowly growing confused but also upset.

"What did I do?" The boy mumbled, placing the paintbrush back down on the table.

"It wasn't you doing anything-"

"Ren, just tell me." He interrupted her, "Don't be sorry for it, just tell me."

"I just want to know what we are," Serenity said as she looked at him, "Because I don't know and I keep getting mixed signals from you, I just want to know where we stand and if we are on the same page."

"Well what do you think we are?" Zach asked her.

"Friends." She shrugged, "You don't seem like you want anything more than that."

"I thought that you didn't want to be anything more than friends." Zach explained as her face dropped and her expression on her face changed from sad to confused.

"I only acted like I wanted to be just friends so I didn't get my heart broken again," Serenity replied, "I just think you want to remain just friends so you can go talk to girls and then when they leave you, you can run back to me."

"That's not- no. I threw Maddy out of my life to become closer to you again," He said, furrowing his eyebrows as he let out a sigh, "I invited you to Hawaii to get closer to you, I came here to get closer to you, not to be just friends."

"Then why are you acting like you want to be just friends?" Serenity asked, leaning back in her chair as she folded her arms.

"Because I didn't want it to look like I was running back to you because I got rid of some other girl." Zach shrugged.

"And we've gone in a loop." She mumbled, putting her head in her hands.

"Tell me what you want." Zach said, resting his arms on the table as he leaned forward, "Let's be on the same page."

"It's going to be very awkward if you say something completely opposite." Serenity replied, looking at the boy as he shrugged again, giving her a small smile, "Alright, I want to be more than friends."

"Ok." The boy nodded, "I want to be more than friends too."

"But I'm also worried about that." Serenity told him as he looked at her confused, "I don't want a repeat of last time."

"It won't be a repeat." He shook his head.

"I don't know that for sure, you broke some promises." She sighed, "You have changed ever so slightly and now I don't know if I can trust you now."

Zach nodded, understanding where she was coming from as the pair grew silent. Serenity grabbed her paintbrush and half held it, placing a few white dots around the painting to add some effect to it as Zach watched her, letting out a sigh.

"I'll make it up to you," He suggested as he continued talking, thinking carefully before he spoke, "We can start fresh, new promises that I will not break, I'll be a better person towards you, if you do want to give it another try?"

The girl still wasn't completely sure, but when she looked up at the boy he had a sincere expression on his face, waiting desperately for her to reply.

"Ok, let's give it another try," She nodded, sitting up and holding up her pinky as the boy looked at her and laughed, "You got to, it's law. Secure your promise."

"I promise to make it right," Zach said, joining up their pinkies as he nodded towards her, "You have to secure the promise too."

"I promise to make it right," She replied as they smiled at each other before letting go and both leaning back in their chairs again.

"Is it too soon to ask you on a date," Zach quietly said, his face a little bit red from some sort of embarrassment while he said it.

"You never know until you ask," She shrugged as the boy sat up and looked at her.

"Would you like to go on a date on Friday night?" Zach asked Serenity as they made eye contact, a smile on both of their faces.

"I'd love to." The girl replied.

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)



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