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third person.

"Zach's looking for you," Jack told Serenity, who was sat with Treasure by the front door as she gave Jack a small nod as a thank you for telling her, "Who are we looking out for?"

"Wait i think I know." Treasure looked at him as he furrowed his eyebrows ever so slightly for a second or two before rolling his eyes, "Do you need drinks to keep you occupied? We got all kinds of stuff, Myta let us have full control."

"Zach told me not to drink tonight so I'll just have water," Serenity said as Jack looked at her confused, "What?"

"Why won't he let you drink?" Jack asked.

"For our plans later tonight." She shrugged.

"Oh my god, I thought you two were innocent," Jack shook his head, putting his palm to his forehead as he laughed slightly, "Go get your own drinks."

"I should go find Zach," The girl replied as Treasure nodded, watching her get up and walk away as she went to find Zach.

After searching around the house, she eventually stumbled outside and noticed her boyfriend was sat at the back of the backyard with a group of friends. A smile spread on her face as she made her way over, wrapping her arms around him from behind and resting her head on his, "Jack said you wanted to see me."

"Hello precious," He smiled, excusing himself from the friend group and getting up from his seat before grabbing ahold of her hand and walking inside, "Are you thirsty?"

"Not really but If we're going over to where all the drinks are then I'll get one," She replied as he nodded, making their way to the drinks before pouring themselves a cup of lemonade each, "Why did you want to see me?"

"Can I not see my girlfriend?" Zach asked, a slightly offended look on his face in a jokingly way as he looked Serenity up and down, "You're so-"

"Happy birthday Zach." A girl said from behind as he turned around to say thank you, the smile on his face caused by his girlfriend dropping once he saw who it was, "I got you a present."

The brown haired girl smiled at him as he nodded, taking the gift out of her hand and placing it on the counter beside them as Serenity suddenly looked upset, "Thanks."

"You're welcome, can I talk to you in private for a second?" She asked, tilting her head slightly as Zach shrugged but nodded, glancing behind his shoulder at Serenity as she rolled her eyes slightly, an annoyed look on her face as the boy was dragged away into the corner of the room.

"She insisted." Darcie said, making the girl jump, "I said we shouldn't go but she wouldn't give up."

"Alright," Mason interrupted the two girls, sitting on the counter as the rest of the group followed behind him, "Now we wait. And when she even takes a step closer, we attack."

"This is fun." Christina said as Corbyn wrapped his arm around her waist, "She looks like a bitch."

"He knows that upset me," Serenity sighed, folding her arms as Jack looked at her, "And he still agreed anyway."

"Its ok," Jack said, giving her a small smile as he loosely held her hand to give her reassurance, "There is literally 15 of us watching their conversation - which sounds weird but at least if anything happens, we can all go over there."

"Ren," Treasure said, getting the girls attention, "This is the perfect time to just go over to them and kiss him."

"She would get so mad," Fleur laughed as the group nodded in agreement, "Do it, do it."

"Yes let's see that side of you," Daniel nodded as the girl turned to face the group, "Ren don't overthink it, he's literally your boyfriend, she can't argue with that."

"You're all bad influences," She shook her head, grabbing her cup and walking over to the pair.

"Hello my boy," Serenity smiled at Zach, loosely wrapping her arms around his neck as she placed a kiss on his cheek before placing one on his lips, "Are you still busy?"

"We were actually in the middle-"

Zach interrupted Maddy as he shook his head, placing his hands on her waist, "No, no I'm all yours."

"Oh good." She said before kissing him again, deepening it slightly as Zach pulled away and looked at her.

"Do you have anyone you need to talk to tonight or are you done?" He asked her as his small smile soon turned into a smirk.

"I'm done," Serenity nodded as Zach grabbed her hand and walked down the corridor towards the stairs. Maddy rolled her eyes in annoyance before going to follow the couple.

"Maddy," Jack called out as she stopped walking to look at him, "I would't follow him unless you want to interrupt something."

"What would I be interrupting?" She asked.

"I'm not sure you want to know." Treasure said through a laugh as the brown haired girl folded her arms, let out a huff and walked off in a different direction, causing the rest of the group to erupt into laughter before they went off to enjoy the rest of their night.

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)


i hope you all know why they went upstairs

also this chapter was absolute shit im sorry

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