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third person.

February 14th had soon rolled around and as predicted by Treasure, Serenity had spent it sat outside the small restaurant in the hotel on the steps that led up to in, every so often glancing at the couples that would walk past. While the rest of the group were in conversation due to the fact that they didn't want to make Serenity feel uncomfortable if everyone was beside her, Zach was watching her, deciding if and when he should go speak to her.

"The longer you wait the more upset she'll get." Treasure told Zach as he glanced over at her.

"You think she'll forgive me?" He asked as the girl shrugged but shortly followed it by a nod, giving him a small smile as he sighed and got up, heading outside to where the girl was sat.

The boy took no hesitation to sit down beside her as silence filled the air, truthfully because Zach didn't know what to say or do seeing as he had never been so focused on trying to apologise before.

"Have you come to apologise again?" Serenity spoke up, looking at him as he nodded, "Don't, I was in the wrong."

"You were in the wrong?" He looked at her confused, "You wouldn't of gotten so angry if I actually stuck with my apology a week ago."

"But I didn't need to get angry because we aren't together." She replied, bringing her legs up to her chest, "You want Maddy, I need to accept that."

"I broke up with her, for good." Zach told the girl, "I blocked her number and social media."

Serenity went silent, nodding as she turned back to face the view in front of the restaurant, "I thought you wanted to date her."

"Not after she read your journal," Zach shook his head as Serenity shot hers towards him, her mouth slightly open.

"You let her read it?"

"No, god no. She knew it was in my room because the first time she saw it I wouldn't let her read it, a couple nights ago when I "broke up" with her she told me she had read the first few pages when I wasn't in the room." Zach explained, tears building up in his eyes, "I didn't let her read it, I wouldn't do that to you."

Using her thumb to wipe away the tear that was about to fall down the boys face, she nodded and let out a sigh, "Don't think I hate you for it."

"But she read it and you trusted me with it."

"You can't help the fact that she read it, if you weren't there when she was reading it then how could've you stopped it? It's not your fault." She explained as he nodded, "Plus you said she only read the first few pages, and those aren't too bad. Just very cringe."

The boy laughed ever so slightly as they fell silent again, the only thing that they could hear was the conversations happening around them from every couple who came to enjoy a meal on Valentine's day and the music playing to fill any other silence within the gaps.

"I'm sorry," Zach looked at her, scratching the back of his neck before stretching his legs slightly, "I know I keep apologising and never stick to it but I really am sorry and It won't happen again."

"I'm sorry too," She shrugged, "For the thing I said the other day."

"Are we good? I promise not to run off with some downgrade again," Zach said as she looked over to the side, "Can we start over?"

Serenity then looked back at him as she held up her pinky finger, "Only If you properly promise."

"Oh my god." He said through a laugh before joining his finger up with hers, "Are we good now?"

"We are." She said as she stood up with the boy following her actions shortly after her before they both agreed to go back to the table, sitting on opposite ends as that was where they placed theirselves at the beginning of the meal.

Treasure and the other three girls looked at Serenity, "Are you good? Did he apologise? What did you say?"

"We're good," The girl nodded, looking at them confused as they turned to face the boys, giving them a thumbs up, "Did you make a plan?"

"No." Fleur shot her head towards Serenity, "Never."

"We did." Darcie said, being hit in the arm by Brea, "Brea! Ouch!"

"It was only a small plan, just to get him to apologise." Treasure corrected them all, "But now you can get back together."

Serenity nodded slowly, glancing over at Zach as she looked back at Treasure, "I don't know, he's kind of lost my trust. If I did get back with him I'd be scared to get replaced again."

"Have faith in him." Amelia joined in their conversation, "He still looks at you like you're the only girl in the room."

She shrugged, taking a sip of her drink, "I'll see how things go."

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)


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