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third person.

Scrolling through twitter just before 7am on a Friday morning, Serenity was catching up on the things she had missed out on overnight, with her boyfriend asleep and one arm draped over her stomach, the girl had nothing to do while waiting for him to wake up and twitter was perfect for filling up that time.

But the scrolling through her timeline got interrupted when she had received a dm, from what seemed to be a fan account. And as she clicked on the dm, it was a long paragraph on how horrible Serenity was portrayed to be by the fandom.

Of course the girl read through it all, confusion on her face before clicking onto the profile of fan account, realising the name of the fan was Maddy before scrolling down the account and reading some of the tweets.

Most of the tweets were about the girl, and how she was seen as a bad girlfriend to many other fans in the bands fandom, which only made Serenity realise the person behind the fan account was Zach's ex.

And so, due to her suspicions, she sent a dm back, explaining how she was almost certain that the person in charge of the account was Maddy and how the tweets were unnecessary, letting out a sigh as she did so.

The reply she got back had confirmed that, which annoyed the girl as she rolled her eyes reading the message, not bothering to reply as she went back to her timeline.

But out of anger, she decided to tweet, completely forgetting that his ex was on a fan account, although all she was wanting to do in that moment was express her anger towards the girl through a simple tweet. 

After typing the tweet, she added the username of the account at the bottom and read it through once, before posting it and turning her phone off, placing it face down on Zach's bed as she let out a small huff.

As for Maddy, as soon as she saw the tweet that was sent out directed to her, she changed her name from Maddy to Madeline, just to make it less obvious for the fans who make their way to her account.

But Serenity had no idea how big of a mistake she had just made by a single tweet.




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wdwdramaupdates: [sent in] um? attacking a fan? for no reason?

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username: thats literally a fan of her fucking boyfriend. im done with this bitch.

username: someones jealous because "her boy" has people in his lane

username: i knew we should have cancelled her ages ago

username: can someone explain?
↳ username: apparently serenity attacked a fan for being in zachs lane. the fan tweeted some things and ig ren didnt like it
↳ username: wtf-

username: i really hope zach see's these @imzachherron

username: thats so not like her- are u sure these aren't fake
↳ username: the tweet is literally on her twitter
↳ username: check her twitter
↳ username: maybe someone hacked her account?

username: i better not see anyone in these comments defending her. thats a FAN. imagine how you would feel if she said that to you just for being in her boyfriends lane, not to mention how she treats zach. there is literally nothing about this to defend. she should know she is in the wrong.
↳ username: watch her play the victim

username: if zach is still with her after this i-

username: shes cancelled bye

username: anyway stan christina

username: ok but she wouldn't do this. maybe she had a reason to???
↳ username: you dont do that to a fan.


(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)


a) sorry for the short chapter i struggled describing all the stuff

b) sorry i literally just went and did that

c) i can't wait to see everyones comments HAHA

d) i dont feel well gn love u sorry i did this

and ur welcome for the double update🥺

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