Important Introduction

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Hey there reader!

This is my first published fanfiction. I am really excited about this book and I really hope you'll like it. I hope that I will write more books on here in the future. Fanfiction or other. 

I got the idea for this story, from my good friend SanderShipper, a fellow Fander. They write really good stories, so check them out after you read this. 

I will give a warning in the beginning of a chapter if it features heavy subject matter (there probably won't be a lot though), but not it there is swearing. I am warning you now that there will be some swearing, but not a lot. There is not any smut either.

The chapters will also be at different lengths so bare over with me. I am not a professional. I just hope this story will make you smile.

I hope you enjoy and please tell me what you think in the comments.


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