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For the hundredth time that day, Jungkook pressed the wrong key again.
Yoongi made a dissatisfied expression. He was clearly annoyed.

"That's it! I've shown you this over a thousand times and you still keep making the same mistake over and over again- if you're not going to take this seriously-"

Jungkook quickly shook his head.

"No no no! I'll take it seriously this time, i promise."

Yoongi sighed standing up.

"That's what you said the last 20 times. Uh..."

Jungkook felt the heaviness of Yoongi's sigh as he started walking behind the counter.
His house was relatively small and the kitchen was connected with the living room.

"Where are you going?"

Yoongi opened the fridge taking a bottle of orange juice out.

"Let's just take a break. If i push you more it won't do you any good."

Jungkook then turned his head to look around. His house was as stone as he was. The walls were like red bricks and the interior of the house in general was pretty simple. He didn't have any pictures of himself or his family.
Maybe he had bad connections with them? He tought. Then again, not like he could ask him. The guy was like a calm empty ocean.

But then again maybe his life was soo empty that he didn't have many important memories.

"Hey mind if i use the bathroom?"

Yoongi poured some juice in two cups as he answered.

"I do- go do it outside."

He mumbled. In return Jungkook looked at him with a blank expression.
Yoongi looked back at him frowning.

"Just go use it-"

Jungkook then smiled, very amused by this situation.
It seemed like his humor wasn't soo good either. He couldn't express it.

So he stood up and went to the toilet. Not because he had to pee, but because he wanted to snoop around.

After walking down the long hallway he entered the bathroom only for it to be as white and as clean as the colour white itself. Was mr. Clean here? He tought and then laughed at himself.
As he looked around he rose an eyebrow. He didn't have any lube.
Maybe his sex life was non existent just like his lack of humor.

He then got out the bathroom and went to the room next to it. And to his suprise it was his bedroom. He peaked inside to see his king sized bed. And that was it. Didn't he have a closet? He closed the door, looking confused. He then grabbed the door handle of the other door and there was his closet. More like his whole room was his closet.
And the fact that he had soo many chlotes made him even more confused.

As if this pale, boring and savange man had that many chlotes. He decided not to judge as he closed the door. He then looked to his side to find Yoongi. He was watching him with crossed arms.

"For how long were you there?"

Yoongi frowned.

"Long enough to see you snoop around all my rooms."

Jungkook shrugged.

"It's not my fault- if i hadn't seen that closet i would've tought you were a vampire."

Yoongi's frown didn't go away a bit as he pointed at the living room so he would go.
And Jungkook just walked back in,

"If i find you snooping around again- then i'll throw you out. The deal we made will be irrelevant. This is my house, so my rules."

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