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Jungook looked at his right side, and saw Jimin being gloomy. He was looking down at the ground while eating his pudding bread.

So then he looked at his left side and saw Taehyung doing the same thing. But instead he was looking at the sky.

Honestly... the mood was just too gloomy. Noone was talking. Did they have a fight? But if so how did Jungkook didn't know about it? Now, this was getting annoying so he decided to speak.

"S-so what did you guys do yesterday?"

Taehyung swallowed his food before standing up.

"I'll go to the toilet."

After that he walked away and Jungkook was left at a loss of words.
So he turned to face Jimin who was also about to get up.

"Hey- did something happen between you two?"

Jimin shrugged as he stood up.

"I kind of messed up. But it's not a big deal so... you don't have to worry about it."

Jungkook nodded as he watched him walk away as well.
As they did, he sighed.

Now that he was alone his food didn't taste as good anymore.
Just when he was about to leave as well suddenly someone jumped on him and then tacked him on the ground.

"Ouch- hey!"

Upon raising his head slowly up to see who it was he sighed.
It was the football captain Minjun. Behind him were the volleyball captain Daniel and the tennis captain Kang.
They were this trio that would always hang out together. Noone dared to mess with them and they were really popular just like Jungkook. So they would time to time come to hang out with him together.
Though Jungkook wasn't so fond of them.

"Hey indeed. What are you doing alone like this? Did you friends leave you? Awww~"

As Minjun spoke with a mocking manner Jungkook rolled his eyes. He then pushed him off to his side making him fall on the grass.

"Forget about it, what do you want?"

Minjun shrugged as the others sat down beside them.

"Just came to hang out. Oh and- i'm getting transferred to your music class together with Daniel and Kang."

Jungkook's eyes widened.

"You... are?"

Daniel nodded, averting his gaze.

"We were taking art classes but Jun made a bucket full of paint explode onto the teacher's head. So he threw us out."

Kang laughed joining in the talk.

"After that Mr. Kim decided to send us to your music class."

Jungkook nodded. He wasn't soo fond of this situation either.
For some reason he knew that them coming in that classroom won't be a good idea.
Especilly because Yoongi was there. The guy was proper and teacher like to educate 3 assholes like them.

So he started to worry a bit.

"So how is the teacher? I heard that he's a total nerd. He is quiet and don't smile at all."

Daniel scoffed.

"What a creep. How are you putting up with him Kook?"

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