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Yoongi placed the chalk under the blackborad before turning back to face the class. The schools had finally started after the one week pause yet another vacation was coming up. Christmas. He didn't celebrate it because he wasn't religious. But besides that he was not so fond of it. Mostly because in the past he used to be alone all the time that he didn't even care to spend a night celebrating it.

But aside from that, coming back to reality, Yoongi's gaze fell back on the students. For some reason Jungkook wasn't here today. It was off for him to not attend a class in which Yoongi was at. Weird really.
Now that he tought about it, maybe he was just pissed or feeling down because of Yoongi's answer the other night. If that was the reason for him not being here then he understands.

"Ah... brainfuck.."

He mumbled to himself before ruffling up his hair. In the midst of thinking suddenly his door slammed open and Namjoon yelled.


He then looked at the class who was staring at him intensely and turned back to Yoongi.

"Could you... come for a sec? It's about... bussinessy stuff..."

Yoongi sighed, standing up. What was it this time? He have had too much drama already.

"Couldn't it wait? As you can clearly see i have class-"

Namjoon walked insife the classroom and leaned in to whisper inside his ear. Many girls in the class were rather thrilled to see their sexy nurse whisper something in someones ear while the guys just cringed.

"Jin found out about us- i mean about you and Kook..."

Yoongi's eyes widened yet he didn't seem that shocked.
Namjoon squinted his eyes, trying to understand the situation.

"... yet you don't seem so bothered."

Ofcourse he wasn't. He couldn't be.

"It's just that... there is a more trivial matter at hand that i'm trying to fix."

Now that was new. A problem after another... that didn't sound like Yoongi at all. So Jungkook really did change his life.

"Well... whatever it is i'm shure that Jungkook would understand."

Yoongi smiled. But it didn't look sincere.

"He did actually... but... i still don't know how to approach him about it-"

Namjoon didn't bother getting worried about it as he started making his way out the classroom,

"You'll be fine. Anyways- gotta go- and you owe me a reaction btw- the hell was that?"

Yoongi giggled slightly as he watched him close the door.
No matter how much he tried not to worry, it wasn't helping. After all, Minhyuk was just as clueless as Jungkook.

But... he decided to tell him the truth.


Jungkook leaned on his back at one of the seats, watching the swimming team swim around the pool.
In his hand he had his old swimming googles together with his cap. And he wore nothing but his swimming shorts.

He just didn't feel like attending classes today. Instead, he had come for a swim to relax himself. Just like the old days.

"You look wet... sexy and... depressed."

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