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The night was cold and long just like an endless song.
Jungkook raised hand up yet again, chugging the cold alcohol down his throat. It was cold yet when he drank it... his insides felt warm.

Honestly, at the moment, he didn't want to feel anything. Nor did he want to think. Letting go was the best choice so he left the job to the alcohol.
And now, his mind was blank.

That is until his phone started to ring.
His hands shaking, he took out his phone from his pocked after letting go of the bottle.

As the bottle rolled away down the street, he looked at the screen. Upon seeing Yoongi's name his blank expression changed into a sad one and tears started to fall down his eyes.

The feeling of being left alone... it was the worst. They might've made up but everything was diffrent. They were distant which was Jungkook's fault. But he couldn't help it. It was his own punishment for hurting him. After all, he made Yoongi feel much worse.

So he knew he had to keep away from him in this state. He knew... he knew yet... before he knew, he was infront of his door, staring at it in ave.

He slowly raised his hand up the grab the handle and when he did, he quietly pushed the door open, only to be faced with a dark house.
The lights were off everywhere which meant that he was probably asleep.

Slowly walking inside, he closed the door behind him and looked around.
It was just the way they left it. The piano, the plates, the messy chlotes on the floor... it felt nostalogic. It felt like home.

Taking the smeel in, he took off his shoes and pulled his pants down. After that he went inside Yoongi's room and layed down on the bed, beside him.

He hugged his warm body from behind and closed his eyes.
And that's when he remembered. This was home. This was his home. Not were that woman was, but where he was.

                                 🄱🄴 🄼🄸🄽🄴

It was the very next morning and Yoongi opened his eyes to a nice view. Or to be precise, it was Jungkook's chest.
He was confused as to why he was here and how he got in but- being sleepy and all, he could not care less.

He closed his eyes back, snuggling his head inside Jungkook's chest. He was warm and his touch was soft. He had missed that.

Feeling comftable, he slolwy opened his eyes back to look up at his face. When he slept, he slept like a baby. There was nothing threatening or scary about him- unlike his state when he was awake. Seeing his face like this... he had missed that too.

As he continued to watch him slowly, Jungkook opened his eyes and mooved himself away from him. He seemed confused.

"What- ugh... my head.."

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, confused himself.

"That should be my line. How did you even get in here-"

Jungkook started rubbing his eyes to ease the headace away.

"The door was unlocked- sorry if i'm bothering you... i'll just go-"

Yoongi quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him back on the bed before he could get up.

"No! I mean... not in this state at least."

Unable to say anything back Jungkook felt his body being pushed down into the matress.

"Just how much did you drink last night..."

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