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Remember Aria from chapter "00:36"? Yeah, right now she was sitting on the bed in front of Namjoon with crossed arms.

"Why did you call me? I tought you didn't do it with your patients."

Namjoon sighed, leaning his back on the table. Meanwhile, Aria observed the weird tension around the room, a little confused.

"And why is the new gloomy music teacher here?"

She was also questioning Jungkook's presence as well but didn't mention it. Because it was rethorical.

Annoyed, Jungkook grabbed from Yoongi's arm, ready to get out.

"You know what? This is not a good idea- we can't even trust her. We're out-"

But before he could leave, Namjoon quickly rushed to the door and placed his hand on it.

"Okay- wait wait- just... calm down. I didn't even ask her yet."

Aria furrowed her eyebrows, curious.

"Ask me what?"

Namjoon turned to face her and then sighed.

"I- well... we, wanted to ask you a favor. A very secretive one. And, in return i will... ugh... i will... well... i will do everything you want for a day."

Aria's eyes quickly lit up, too happy from excitement.

"What really!? I'm in!! I'll do anything!"

Jungkook glanced at her before looking back at Namjoon's expression.

"Good to know. But i want you to keep everything that i'm about to tell you a secret. Understood?"

Aria nodded as she started to listen.


Jungkook crossed his arms as he watched Aria put on some makeup.

"You're going to pierce right through me if you keep staring like that."

He kinda was. He was just doubting her will he help them.

"So you're telling me that you wont tell about me and Yoongi to anyone?"

Aria shook his head while applying some lipstick.

"And you're not even shocked? But why are you in my house anyways you could get ready at your own."

Aria sighed, turning around to look at him.

"Because your house is more convenient. And no- i wish i could say i was shocked when i heard that the popular hottie Jeon Jungkook was dating a gloomy ass teacher. But it was a bit overwhelming."

Jungkook continued to listen.

"Ya know... you are known to dispise teachers and pull pranks on them to annoy them. But recently you started taking classes from him and hanging out in the classroom a lot- when you used to be itching to get out of there."

He scoffed.

"I knew that something was wrong yet many denied it. Well... anyways, just be more carefull. Being seen with a teacher might bring your reputation down."

Aria then placed her mascara on the table. She stood up and walked towards the couch to grab her wig from her bag. Meanwhile Jungkook followed her with his eyes.

"I don't really care about my reputation anymore. I only care about his."

Aria looked at him and then smiled.

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