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While leaning against the bars near the edge of the rooftop, Namjoon sucked in the soft cigarette, letting the smoke out like a small fluffy cloud.

With the edge of his palm he rubbed his temple. He was sighing too much today. It must be unhealthy.

What was he going to do about Jin? The fact that Jungkook had anger issues was the main factor to look out for them.
Namjoon knew his parents. They even cane to his aid back in the day, though he was not a psycologist. But he still helped him get through the school. That's why he would always cover for him whenever he got into a fight.

Now thinking back... he was acting like a father- no more like a big brother.

"...i did look out for him.."

He mumbled to himself before blowing the smoke out of his mouth, emptying his lungs slowly.
The scent of the fresh rain mixed with his cigarette was relaxing. And it seemed that he was not the only one who found it that way.

"Isn't it relaxing?"

He didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

"It's not like you to come up here."

Yoongi leaned on the bars next to him, and then took in a deep breath.

"I needed some fresh air."

Namjoon didn't say anything as he looked down at the schoolgrounds. It was empty because of the rain, yet it felt calming to watch.
And the fact that Yoongi was beside him was even more relaxing. He just had a relaxing aura around him.

"How about you? You look rather depressed."

Namjoon scoffed, throwing the cigarette butt down the roof.

"Just toughtfull about some things."

Yoongi nodded, looking down at the school grounds as the rain poured down on them calmly.

"I see... but who knows, maybe i could help?"

Namjoon smiled. He was feeling a bit nostalogic. This moment felt familiar.

"It'd be nice but... i wouldn't want to trouble you with it."

Yes. This moment felt familiar indeed. It was just like the day both of them met. He could still remember it like it was yesterday.

"So you don't want to tell me huh... oh well."

This part though.... it felt not familiar at all.

"Oh well? You'd never say that. Jungkook is having a toll on you."

Yoongi smiled, shaking his head.

"No... not at all actually. Ever since we started dating he has become more... calm. So more like i'm falling into his steps. I'm opening up to him."

Namjoon took out another cigarette from his pocket, ready to light it.

"I can see that very well. You used to not even talk about what you think. I guess he might be a good effect on you after all."

Yoongi watched Namjoon raise his hand up and take in the smoke of the deadly grass in his lungs.

"Effect? Maybe a diffrent kind of emotion has formed inside me."

After that it went silent for a minute or two... they didn't count.
But it felt like a brand new personality had unlocked inside him. And Namjoon liked that.

"Say... do you love him?"

Yoongi felt a little nostalogic as he remembered all those times they had spent together.
And ofcourse, Namjoon wasn't excpecting him to say that he loved him. Not with words at least.

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