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Hello there lovely readers. It's me again. I know y'all missed me. I missed you all too.

Well I am here again with another epic work.

All credits goes to Enigmatickpopper for the amazing cover. Thank you once again.

All rights to this work or my other works are solely reserved. ©

All events, places, names, cultures, beliefs, religion etc. are totally fictional and are not intended or aimed at degrading the norms of any society.

And like always, this is not a sequel to my other works, it can be read as a stand alone.

Warning! Strong language, violence(to some extent) and mature content. Readers discretion is adviced.


I want to dedicate this book to a lot of people but only few, can I mention. So first of all I'm dedicating this book to my mom. For giving me the courage, support and strength to go on even when I had lost all interest. Thank you

Secondly I am dedicating this book to Tosynobae15 for supporting me since day one.  Thank you.

To Steph_AnnieL for the endless new words, summary construction, and grammar construction. Best Pen pal ever.

To NinaFabulous for the amazing inspiration behind the character 'Nina' who by the way didn't play the role in this book but in my other books (please feel free to check them out). Thank you.

And to you, my lovely, wonderful, amazing, fantastic, and awesome readers, for pushing me forward. For helping me grow to this point today. I love you... All of you. Thank you so much.

Okay, I know I have delayed you so now, buckle your seatbelts and relax as I take you on an adventurous journey as always, and don't forget to vote, share and comment. They will be highly appreciated. Thank you and do stay safe.


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