Chapter 11: Halloween Feast

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The Kind Hufflepuff - First Year

Chapter Eleven: Halloween Feast

In the following weeks after the incident in the corridor, Cali had noticed several things:

One was that Greta and John wouldn't let her go anywhere alone. She would attempt to go to the library after asking the pair if they wanted to go but when she would leave, they would magically come up with a million excuses to follow her. They would bend their entire plan the second Cali decided to deviate from it and while Cali appreciated the fact that she was never alone to get hurt, it had been getting on her nerves.

Second was the fact that whenever Bertie had a spare moment, he would invite the girl to hang out with his friends. This meant that she had grown quite a relationship with both Tiberius and Rufus. They would help her with homework in the library, teach her about animals in the courtyard, help her with spells, and just talk to her about life. The four of them had quickly become family which is something that Cali would think about in the aftermath of the incident quite often, happy that something positive had come from it.

The third and easily the one that made her most cautious, was the fact that she could often catch Wilkes watching her. Originally, he appeared to be waiting for something but eventually, it became this look of disgusting satisfaction. This was the driving factor that stopped her from doing anything about her annoyance with Greta, figuring that it was safer to keep the girl around.

But as Cali woke up on a Sunday morning, a smile was plastered across her face as she jolted out of bed and began shaking her best friend awake. "GRETA! GRETA!" She squealed loudly, jumping onto the girl's twin bed as she straddled the girl and shook the girl continuously.

"What the?" Greta questioned in her tired state, rubbing her eyes as she met the gaze of her friend. "Cali, what the hell?" Cali smiled at this, hoping off her friend as she moved to her closet.

"It's Halloween!" Cali shouted excitedly. She searched through her wardrobe, looking for the outfit that her mother had sent her. "It's Halloween!" The blue eyed girl was incredibly ecstatic as she pulled on the green dress, before putting the enchanted vines on making the girl look as though she had stepped out of the woods in a mess before she put on the wings that her mother had sent, which had been enchanted to flap slowly.

"What are you wearing?" Greta laughed, taking in the sight of her best friend who looked like some sort of fairy, even though Greta didn't even know if they were real.

"My Halloween costume!" Cali squealed, twirling around to show her outfit. Greta smiled as she watched her friend, happy to see that she was no longer the crying mess who flinched at every bang or whenever the Slytherin's entered. She was simply the smiling Hufflepuff that she had never heard say an unkind word wearing a fairy costume.

"I don't have a costume," Greta mumbled.

Cali's smile didn't waver as she immediately turned to her wardrobe, mumbling something about how crazy it was that someone may not have a Halloween costume as she explored, eventually throwing two outfits onto Greta's bed for the girl to examine. "What is this?" Greta questioned, fingering the red satin.

"Oh, I wasn't sure what I wanted to be for Halloween," Cali explained, shrugging. "So my mom sent me three costumes and enchanted all of them with some spell that I don't even know on all of them to change sizes so that I could give them to friends if they didn't have a costume. There's a devil costume and a chef's costume." Greta picked up the red satin, examining the red pantsuit and a pair of devil horns. The chef's costume was a lot more boring being just a pair of white pants, a white apron, and one of those incredibly cliché hats.

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