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We walked in and I heard my parents arguing. I looked down and sighed. We went upstairs. "Daniel? You're already home?" I didnt answer.

"You're not going to answer your mother?" He asked. We walked into my room and I laid on my bed. Corbyn sat down next to me and rubbed my head. He kissed my forehead.

"Its going to be ok" he leaned back. I heard them walking upstairs. "Honey?" My mom walked in. "Who is this?" She asked.

"A friend. I didnt feel good so he took me home" "oh that's sweet" "ugh" Mike said. I put my head on Corbyns leg.

He continued to rub my head. "So our son's gay now" "it's fine if he's gay. He can choose who he wants to date" I looked at Corbyn.

He was smiling. "He's already a mistake. So he's a gay mistake" I felt my eyes watering. I looked away from Corbyn and cried a little.

"Awww is the little mistake crying?" Corbyn got up. "He's not a mistake! You are his father! You should show a little more respect!" My mother was happy.

"That's it. I'm getting the bat" I got up and ran to the side of the room. I sat down and cried in my knees. I heard someone run over.

I looked and saw Corbyn. He hugged me and rubbed my back. "Shh. Its ok" I looked at my mom. She was smiling. Corbyn kissed my head. "Get out of the way!" I heard Mike.

I got scared. Corbyn got up and turned around to face him. He was about to hit him with the bat. Corbyn grabbed it. He took it and threw it. He pushed him.

"You dare hurt him. I will make sure you are in the hospital and never come back here!" I was surprised.

He just threatened an adult. "Did you just threaten me?" He got up and tried to punch him. Corbyn grabbed his fist. He punched him in the stomach.

Mike fell. "That's it!" He got up and punched him in the face. Corbyn fell. "Corbyn!" I yelled. Mike came over and grabbed my shirt. "Mom run!" "No!" She ran over and grabbed Mike.

Mike pushed her off. "I will make sure this mistake is dead!" He punched me in the face. I cried in pain. "Mike stop hurting me!" I yelled. Corbyn was surprised.


'Did he just call him by his name?'

I got up and ran over. I grabbed Mike and pulled him off. Daniel's mother ran over and helped him up.

I pinned Mike to the wall. "Leave him alone!" I yelled. I punched his stomach and let him go.

"How long has he been doing this to you?" I asked  looking at Daniel. "15 years"

I was surprised. His mother got the phone and called 911. I ran to Daniel because he was about to fall. I helped him up. "It's ok. You're going to be ok"

I put him on the bed. Mike was still on the floor.

I looked at Daniel's face. His face had cuts, bruises, and blood on it. I put my forehead on his.

"Its going to be fine" I kissed his nose. "They are coming" I smiled. "They are not going to take me!" He got up and grabbed Daniel.

He grabbed a pocket knife. He put it to Daniel's neck. "No Mike dont!" His mother yelled. I got mad. "Then call them and tell them that they dont need to come!"

I tried to run over but he stopped me. "Take one more step and I will slit his throat" "just put it down" Daniel looked at me scared.

We heard sirens. Then footsteps running upstairs. They ran in and took Mike away. I held Daniel close. "You're going to be ok" I kissed his head.

"What do you guys wanna do?" His mother asked. "Movies?" I asked. "Yes" Daniel sounded excited. "Why are you so excited Dani?" I asked. "He loves movies" I smiled at Daniel.

We went downstairs and watched movies.

That's it for this chapter. Bye bye

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