-Chapter 6- Why did you leave me...

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-Izuku's POV-

I ran as fast as I possibly could. I couldn't use One For All since it was a public place. I ran for 10 minutes. 'I hope she's ok' No she's not~ the voices are coming with me I guess. She's going to die~~ no.. no... she ain't.

-Time skip 10 minutes-

Finally... I got to the hospital.
I ran to the receptionist and asked her where Inko Midoriya was. She looked at me and looked worried. I just remembered I didn't cover my bags from under my eyes. "Room 4089 but right now she's in the operation room..." she told me with a hint of worry in her voice.

I was going to run away, but something grabbed my arm. It was the receptionist. "The operation is gonna take a long time. About 6 hours or more... you should go back to your house and rest. You can come back later?" She said looking in my eyes. I was angry, like really angry. I'm gonna regret this but " Who are you to tell me what to do?! NO ONE you can tell me what to do! AM I CLEAR ! NOW LET GO OF MY WRIST!!" I screamed at her. Actually I don't regret it. She doesn't have the rights to tell me anything. She looked confused and angry at the same time I felt concerned. " I'm sorry... really sorry... thanks... I'm going now..." I said before running to the bathroom not letting her say anything.

I got to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. "Where's my phone..." I whispered to myself. I found my phone in my pocket. I popped my phone case off and took the blade out of it. I look at my arms...
"You guys are gonna have plenty of new friends..." I whispered under my breath to my cuts. Ugh I'm so dumb my mental health is at a really bad state.

1 cut...
2 cuts...
3 cuts...
4 cuts...
And 10 more on that arm...
Moving on to the next one...
And 14 more cuts. I should stop now there's to much. I get out of the stall when I was sure that no one was here. I washed my cuts like I did yesterday when Todoroki followed me in the bath room.

I finished with washing my cuts. I dried them with toilet paper. Then I bandaged them up. I got out of the bathroom and sat in the waiting room. I have 5 hours to wait now since I passed 10 minutes yelling at the receptionist and around 50 minutes in the bathroom cutting and washing the blood.

I'm gonna go one my phone. Probably scrolling through Instagram or playing some games. This is gonna be really long. My cuts sting like a bitch but I try to keep a straight face so that no one would ask me anything.

-Time skip 5 hours (he was asleep)-

I'm awaken by someone shaking my shoulder and calling my name. I open my eyes and I see a girl with a brown ponytail. She looks like a nurse, she's probably one. "Come with me your mom's surgery is finish you can go visit, if you want..." she said looking at me with a forced smile... I can recognise them since it's one of my specialities.

I get up and follow her to my mom's room. She lead me inside and close the door behind me. I look at my mom she looks like she's sleeping. I walk slowly next to her bed and sit on a chair beside her bed. I hope she'll wake up.

Sometime later a doctor opened to door and entered. He checked the machines and everything in the room. He turn around and look at me. "She should wake up tommorow...but if she doesn't it means that she won't make it..." he said with a monotone voice that made me think about Todoroki. "Ok thank you..." I manage to say holding my tears in my eyes. "You can't stay here at night. You could bother the nurses... Go home now it's late." He said with a serious expression on his face. I stand up, push the chair back and walk out looking at ground.

I slowly walk home tears rolling down my cheeks. I'm not sobbing or hiccuping or anything... I just have tears rolling down my face. I hope that she will be okay and that we could forget this forever. I was scared so scared that she could leave this world.

-time skip he's now in his room-

I have homework for tommorow but I don't think that I could even get out of my bed. I think that I should text Todoroki or Uraraka to tell them that I won't be there tommorow. Uraraka isn't online. Oh Todoroki is online I'll text him.

M: Hello... I need to talk to you...

T: oh hello Midoriya :)

M: uhm yeah hi...

T: what do you need to tell me ?

M: actually can you come over I prefer to tell you in real life...

T: it's really late... but I think I can come !

M: ok around when ?

T: I should be here in 5 or 10 minutes so around midnight.

M: Thank you Todoroki...

T: no problem I'll always be here for you

-Todoroki's POV-

Why would he need to talk to me at midnight ? I don't know but I'll always be there for him. I'm putting on a pair of jeans and a white hoodie and I walk out of my house. I have a weird feeling in my chest but I ignore it and walk down the street.

-Izuku's POV-

I'm hyperventilating I think I might have a panic attack. Todoroki will be here soon I asked him to come over because for me his scent is relaxing.

-Time skip (again)-

Todoroki is knocking on my door I go to open the door. I peek my head out off the door with a tear stained face. I look out and great Todoroki in. "Thanks for coming. I needed you..."
He looks at me with a light blush but a straight face. "So What did you wanted to tell Me?" He said looking away. I walk to my room and he follows me.

We sat down on my bed and I explained for my mom. He looked at me shook then hugged me. I cried on his shoulder. And he pat my back I felt really safe and calm. I fell asleep on him. For once I had a peaceful and calm sleep.

- Time skip 1 hour-

I woke up because off my phone. It buzzed like crazy I looked up and saw Todoroki asleep one my bed. I don't want to wake him up so I go out to the living room. I answer the call and I feel like I've already saw that number somewhere. Whatever.


"Hello this is Izuku Midoriya?"


"Hospital ****** It's for your mother, Inko Midoriya."

"Did something happened?"

"Come now she is close to death it might be the last time you see her."

"Ok I'm coming."

I ran out without caring about Todoroki. I ran for 10 minutes to get to the hospital. I got in the hospital and ran to my mom's room. I saw doctors around her and machines doing a lot of sounds. It was really loud. The doctors led me in and told me to tell her my goodbyes.

"I love you so much mom..." I said between sobs tears were going down my face.
" I love you and I will forever..."
One of the machines that was showing her heartbeat. Was doing a long beep. A doctor came and turned it off. I cried here for hours. Why...

Why did you leave me mom ?...

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