-Chapter 27- I thought you were happy...

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-Todoroki's POV-

I shut the door behind me and I walk in. I tossed my keys on the counter and my jacket on the sofa. I'll can put them at their place later. "IZU I'M HOOOOOME!" I shouted I walked closer to the door. When I first came in I heard him sing but I just brushed it off.


"Hmm?" I hummed in total confusion.
"Izuku what are you doing?" No answer from my green haired boyfriend. I start to get a bit worried. Maybe I shouldn't have left. Was I gone for too long? What happened to him? I'm scared.

I ran to his room. I grab the door knob. I turn it in all directions but nothing is working. 'He locked the fucking door' I thought to myself. I walked back a little and I ran with my elbow in front of me. I crashed through the door. I could feel blood drip down my arm. But what I saw in front of me, would never leave my head.

Tears start forming in my eyes as I crash down on the floor. I stood back up, tears running down my face. I untie the knot and get him down. I put him on his back. I put two finger on his neck, trying to find a pulse. Faint  but present.

I ran out and snatched my phone of my pocket. I almost fell on the way back to his room. My sobs were so loud and my vision was all blurry. I fell on the floor beside him. I called an ambulance.

"119 what's your emergency?"


"Ok I'm gonna ask you to calm down and explain this again but slower"

"My boyfriend tried to kill himself I can feel his pulse but his breathing is really slow."

"Ok keep calm. What is your address? We are going to send you an ambulance."

"Apartment ***** near Shizuoka prefecture. About 3 blocks from U.A high school"

"Ok an ambulance will be sent to you. Until then, keep checking his breathing and his pulse. Remember to keep calm and stay with him."


*phone call ends*

I looked at his pale face.

He was smiling...

"Is this really what you wants? There's so much more to discover in life. Life could be beautiful. Just stay strong. I love you" I shed a tear.

I checking the pulse again it was so faint. I remembered that we practiced CPR in hero training once.

100 to 120 compressions a minute...

After every 30 compressions give 2 rescue breaths...

I kept mumbling this to myself over and over again. I was compressing it like we showed in hero train. I hope I'm doing this the right way. Please an ambulance fast.


They crashed through the door and ran to me. One of the paramedics pushed me gently to the side. I moved out of the way and let them do their jobs.

"This is the 3rd time..." one of them mumble.

When I heard him say that I bursted  out crying. I cried so hard. I feel on my knees and cried in my hands. It's the 3rd time and I wasn't able to do anything...

I'm completely useless to him...

I was blinded. Blinded by that big smile he gave all of us.

Under that mask... there were tears and a frown...

How did I not realise...

I'm sorry...

I'm really sorry...

I thought you were happy...

What If It Was All Fake... (Depressed Deku X Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now