-Chapter 22- Date

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-Izuku's POV-

I knew that he shouted at them. I'm sad now. This morning it was anxiety and now it's sadness. I looked down at my shoes, bright red sneakers. It's my mom that offered them to me at my 14th birthday. I feel a wave of sadness drown me down in the deepest places.

I've probably zoned out for a bit. I look up from the ground to be met with really concerned bicolored eyes. More sadness wash over me. I breakdown crying. I cried and cried. He wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and cried in his shoulder.

After a few minutes my sobs became quieter and only a few sniffles could be heard. Todoroki put me down on the bench. My reflex was to just stare at the pavement. 'Beautiful red-ish brown' I thought sarcasticly. I feel something under my chin and it lifts my head up.

He smiled and kissed me. I widened my eyes but soon realised what was happening. I kissed back. After a few moments we parted from eachother and looked straight into the others eyes before turning our faces away in embarassement.

"I know what could make you feel better!" Todoroki said happily. "What?" I questioned. "We should go on a date tommorow since it's Saturday" he responded. "A date? Uhmm seems fun" I said giving him a small genuine smile.


"Izu are you ready!?" Todoroki shouted from the entrance. "Coming!" I shouted back. I was wearing a black hoodie and light blue jeans with holes in the knee area. He didn't tell me where we were going so I went for casual clothes.

I walked downstairs skipping some stairs and almost falling down. I managed to get at the door without dying. I walk up to him and give him a big smile. This smile was a mix of a fake and a genuine smile. He smile back and he point down at my feets. I look down and realized I haunt put shoes on yet.

I put my shoes on and unlock the door. I walk out and wait for Todoroki in the hallway. He gets out of the apartment and I lock the door behind him after checking that I had my wallet and keys.

"Ya have everythin'?" Todoroki asked me with a small smile. I wave my hand a bit and say that I didn't forget anything. "Sho where are we going?" I asked, tilting my head a bit when we got down the stairs. "It's a surprise" he answered with a confident expression.

"We will walk it's not so far from your apartment" he said. He held my hand and we intertwined our fingers. We smile at each other and walked in a comfortable silence. He stops in his tracks and turn his head toward me.

"Close your eyes." He asked softly with a small smile. "Alright if I hit my head on a random pole I will kill you" I answered laughing a little. We walked for about five minutes. I could hear birds chirping and flying around.

"Here!" Shoto said. He took his hand off of my face. I open my eyes.

I widened my eyes, I was shook. It was one of the prettiest things I've saw in my entire life. We were in parc in front of a river. There where Sakuras everywhere. It was so beautiful. I smiled genuinely at the sight of this beautiful place.

"You like it?" Sho asked me with a smile. "Of course I do! It's Beautiful!" I shouted happily. I looked around and kneeled down next to the river. I brush my fingers against the cold water. This place is incredible. I wonder why I never knew this was here.

"Hey Sho? How do you know about this place?" I asked, looking over my shoulder and looking at him with a confused look. "I was walking by here. This place is hiden behind really tall trees. Only I know how to get to the river." He answered pointing at the big trees.

"How did you figure your way in there?" I asked laughing a bit. "I came here everyday and once I found little notes on the floor. I followed them and it led me here to the river and the Sakuras." He answered. He kneeled down next to me with a smile.

I kissed him softly on his cheek. He turned his head to face me and kissed me on my lips. It was soft and lovely. "Can I use my tongue?" (If you know where I got the reference then I love you) I blushed a deep color at the words that just came out his mouth. "Y-yes" I answered with my usual stuttering.

He got closer to me only an inch away from my lips. He gently kissed me again. This time he said his tongue in my mouth, exploring it. It felt weird but Sho is such a good kisser.

We continued making out since no one knew where the little parc was situated. I had a lot of fun here.


"You wanna eat somethin'?" Shoto asked me. "Uhm yeah. How about ice cream?" I said cheerfully. "Alright!"

We walked to a local ice cream shop. I took chocolate and he took Oreo. We walked with a big smile on our faces, enjoying eachother's company. I had such a good day today. I wish it could be like that everyday.

We walked up the stairs to our apartment. I unlocked the door and walked in with Shoto. I walked to the bathroom to take a shower. He walked to the other bathroom to take his. We both walked out in our pyjamas at the same time.

"I want a hug" I pouted. He walked toward me and hugged me. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. We make out in eachother's arms. We end up in my bedroom. We both flop on the bed. I'm on top of Shoto.

I kissed him again and lied next to him. He turns around and nuzzle my face onto his chest. I smell his nice shampoo.

We both fell asleep enjoying eachother's embrace.

Word count: 1040

Dang that's a lot.
Fluffy chapter for yall. I'm trash at writing fluff. I prefer writing angst but I am not worrying because angst is coming soon... really soon
I hope you still enjoyed this chapter.



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