-Chapter 10- Why can't I die ?

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-Izuku's POV-


All these things can be found in a hospital.

It's all I hear... doctors running, machines beeping and someone crying...

It sounds the same as when she left me...

Am I finally dead ?

After that I blacked out again.

Silence is all I could manage to hear...

I slightly opened my eyes. There is a lot of light... is it heaven? Am I dead ?

I sit up in my bed and look around. I take a deep breath and I start to sing.

"Awake, I opened my eyes to see"

"A hospital, so white and clean"

"I was walking up to the roof, I think"

"Then can't recall at all a single thing"

"Held a hand for me, you were there"

"I know, but couldnt reach the me"

"That would fall down all the time"

"But stand and reach my hand to see"

"Have you tried crossing over yet ?"

"I wanna die, wanna die"

"But don't really wanna die"

"You were there, you would care"

"Making me aware"

"Every scar, all the blood"

"More and more, they're ever done"

"Not enough, not enough"

"Ah wanna die, wanna die"

"But don't really wanna die"

" If I died you would cry and I don't know why"

"Every scar, all the blood"

"More and more, they're never done"

"Not enough, not enough"

"When I forget you, I'm all alone without a place to go"

"But then played a mirror like a show, the past I used to know"

"A dream, 'til I see every part of me, eyes of red following and"

"I wanna live, wanna live"

"Deep inside I've always been"

"Reaching out for a hand, so dont let this be the end"

"Mushrooms growing on my head"

"Still remember even then"

"Where you are when I'm dead"

"I wanna die, wanna die"

"But don't really wanna die"

"You were there, you would care"

"You know it really isn't fair"

"Every time I forgot"

" You remain inside my thoughts"

"Not enough, not enough"

"I wanna die, wanna die"

"Wanna die, but I still couldn't die"

"With you by my side"

"Behind the days I spent alone, afraid"

"Now you're here to stay"

"lalala lalala lalala lalala"

"And the scars never fade"

"Memories that replay"

"Rewind yet again on the pain we felt on that day"

By the end I was sobbing. The only thing left that I truly wanted. Was taken away. Death. I just want to die it's not that big of a deal if no one care... Right?

I look up again to look out by the window. I turn my head because of a little sound coming from the door.

I look and I see... Todoroki?

"Midoriya you're awake !"

He said before running toward me and and hugging me tightly like I was going to disappear. I'm pretty sure he heard me singing. That's probably the reason why he's crying.

I pushed him slowly away from me. I looked at him. I felt numb, I stoped crying. He looked worried and without realization I asked

"Why can't I die?"

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