-Chapter 12- Home sweet Home

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-Izuku's POV-

I fell asleep in the car on the way back to my house. It was kinda awkward in the beginning of the ride but then I fell asleep. I woke up when I felt that the car stopped. Todoroki's car is comfortable to sleep in.

I get up the stairs with him following me. He was about two or three feets away from me. I don't like being followed even if I know who the person is and why they are here.

I open the door with my keys. "Home sweet Home" I mutter sarcastically. I don't know if Todoroki heard anything. I don't care anyways. I walk in and look around. Everything is the same except that it's empty. No one near, except Todoroki and I.

Ill have to get used to that emptiness.
I walk to my room  not caring about Todoroki. I hear him walk around awkwardly. I think I should make him visit the house a little. I get up from my bed lazily and walk to the living room.

"Want to visit?" I asked putting a hand on my hips. "Uhm yeah..." he said looking around.

- Time skip after the visit cuz I'm lazy-

"And that's my room..." I finished the visit. "You will sleep in the guest room, it's at the end of the hallway to your right" I said pointing to the room. Ugh I will really live with Todoroki. If he's there I can't do anything.

I need to hide my bandages and blades. I walk to my room and to the bathroom that is connected to it. I take out the blades and bandages. I walk back in my bedroom and hid them under the mattress. I'm pretty sure he won't look in there.

"Midoriya! Come here" he shouted. What does he want. I walk to the living room because the voice came from here. "What?" I asked as confused as ever.

"From now on I'll check on you everyday." He said, personally I'm still confused. I tilt my head a little to the right and ask "What do you mean, check on me?" I looked confused and he looked serious. "I'll check your wrists, eyes, chest, and thighs. Every morning and night." He said in a monotone and serious tone. "No" I said firmly hoping he won't insist to much.

"Yes. I have to. That's what the doctors said. I need to check if you cut, if you eat well and if you sleep well." He said looking up and down at me pointing at my wrists, thighs, chest and my eyes. "That's stupid..." I said under my breath before walking away.

Im stuck with him. How am I gonna do anything ? Cutting is my addiction.
I can't sleep because of nightmares and insomnia. I can't eat, I don't like eating, I lost my appetite when my mom died.

"Midoriya! Check up. Now"
I heard him yell. I walked in to the living room. He asked me to sit on the couch. I sat down and looked at me. He grabbed my arm. I flinched even with my efforts not to. He looked up from my wrist to my face. He lifted my sleeve up. Unrolled the bandages. He started to trace the cuts and scars with his finger.

He looked at me with a really sad expression and walked away to the kitchen. He opened the closet. He looked around in it and grabbed something that looked like a first aid kit. He came back and rolled my other sleeve up, took off the bandages and he disinfected my wounds.

I want this to end... I wish I just died..

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