-Chapter 25- It's all happening again...

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-3rd person POV-

A hit in the stomach...

A hard slap on the cheek...

A broken nose...

An almost broken wrist...

Open cuts...

Izuku was left on the floor covered in bruises and blood. He cried and cried for a good 30 minutes. Shoto found him after looking for his lover for one whole hour. He found him, curled up in my ball, crying his eyes out. He was sobbing loudly. He looked in pain.

It broke Shoto's heart to see such a thing happening to such a cute and nice person. He ran up to him and kneeled down beside him. He picked him up and Izuku wrapped his legs around his boyfriend's waist. He also wrapped his arms around his neck and nuzzled his face onto Shoto's shoulder.

He still cried on the way home but silently this time. Todoroki was really worried. His lover's face was swollen, covered in blood and bruises. Todoroki just wanted to cry too. Seeing the poor green haired teen in such a state was too much for him, but he had to stay strong.

He slowly walked up the stairs. Izuku had fallen asleep on the way back home. Shoto's heart was aching at the sight. How did he not realize all this was happening? Who would hurt such an adorable person?

He moved Izuku a little so he could open the door. He walked in and put Izuku down on his bed. He decided to take a closer look to these wounds when something caught his attention...

His wrists have burn marks on them...

He and only one other person had a fire quirk. The marks were in the shape of a hand.


At that moment Shoto literally wanted to murder him and throw him off a cliff. He also wanted to torture him until he lost his consciousness because of how hurt he could be. He was furious. Shoto stood back up from the floor. He clenched his fists as hard as he could he was about to go out and murder Bakugo when...

Izuku woke up and gently grabbed Shoto's sleeve. "I know you probably want to murder him right now. You're probably gonna scold me for an hour but for now I just want you to calm down" Izuku said in a soothing way. It always calmed Shoto when he heard his voice.

"If you try to do something to Kacchan it's only gonna get you in trouble with the teachers and principal Nezu." Shoto sighed and bent down over Izuku to give him a gentle kiss on the cheek.

Izuku smiled at how cute his boyfriend could be. He pat Shoto's head lightly with a big smile on his face. Todoroki blushed a deep shade of red and turned his head away.

The green haired boy chuckled. But it wasn't a good idea...

"AAGH" He screamed in pain. He held his ribs and coughed harshly. He cried and screamed, it hurted way too much. "What's wrong!?" Shoto sat beside him. He looked at his hands that were wrapped around his abdomen and looked at his painful expression.

Shoto understood what happened and ran to the bathroom. 'He have bruises on his ribs! I'm so dumb he got kicked obviously.' He thought to himself. He eventually found painkillers, bandages and a first aid kit. He grabbed them and ran to his suffering boyfriend.

He keeled down in front of him and gave him water and the pain killers. "I think you got a broken rib. We gotta go to the doctor-"

"No!" Izuku interrupted him. He didn't like hospitals. They saved him but not his mom. He hates the doctors for that. He was as injured as his mom when he jumped off the roof. So why were they able to save him but not his mother?

"Can you go get me snacks I'm hungry" he said, grabbing the sheets beside him tightly. It was obviously a lie. Izuku didn't like to eat. He wasn't hungry at all. He just wanted to distract his boyfriend for a little bit.

"Ok I'll go get 'em"  he answered and walked away to the kitchen. As soon as he was out of sight, Izuku stood up and silently walked to the bathroom.

"Its my time" He mumbled

What If It Was All Fake... (Depressed Deku X Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now