-Chapter 24- Tired

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!Not proofread!

-Izuku's POV-

I woke up not much longer after falling asleep. I looked around and felt something warm and soft under my head. I was confused but soon realised where I was. In my room on top of Shoto. I don't want to know how I got here.


I took Shoto's arm off of my waist and tried to wiggle my way out of my bed. I finally managed to get up without waking him. I look out the window and it's really dark outside. I grab my phone on my nightstand. I put a hand in my hip and I held my phone with my other hand.

1am so fucking early! I haven't even slept for an hour. It took me some time to fall asleep and then when I finally fell asleep it was around midnight and a half.

I guess I'm just going to pull up an all-nighter. I don't need sleep. Once, I haven't slept for a month and I still wasn't even able to sleep after but I was still tired as heck.

I sat down at my desk, trying not to wake Sho up. I grab my phone as well as some pencils, a pen and a paper. I always liked to draw. I have a lot of art supplies. They aren't really mine. They're my mom's art supplies. She used to be an artist.

She drew beautiful things. She was literly born for this. Her quirk made it easy for her to draw since she didn't have to move to grab a pen or a paper. My quirk isn't useful for drawing but I still enjoy it. It makes me pass the time when I am bored or help me not to be bored when I pull an all nighter.


I grab my phone once again. 5am I turn around and glance at Sho, he had such a peaceful face when he was sleeping. I get up lazily, literly dragging my feet of the floor. "Shooo time to wake uuuup!" I whispered a little louder than I excepted.

He rolled around and fell on the floor with a small 'thump' I chuckled a bit and walked to the bathroom. I looked at myself and, oh my god. I had big bags under my eyes. I look like I haven't slept for a year or two!

Concealer! I need concealer and powder. Right Now! Found it! I grab it and open it up, almost dropping it to my bathroom's floor. I applicate it under my eyes and on my eyelid. Yes my bags go all the way around my eyes. I blend it in with my finger and put some powder over the concealer.

Now we can't really see them. *sigh* this is gonna be such a long week. I brush my theet and I walk out of the  bathroom. I walk up to my closet and tripped on an weight that I use for exercise. "Shit!" I whispered before falling to the floor. I hear Shoto walk in. I lift my head. I had an annoyed expression on my face.

He laughed  and walked up to me. He bent down and held his hand and in front of my face probably to help me get off the floor. I grab it and stood up. I walked him out of my room and slam the door on his face. I smirked when I heard him shout at me.

I slowly walk back to my closet, making sure I don't fall. I open a drawer and grab my uniform. I put it on and head out.



Why did this happen again! I fell in the stairs that were right in front of my class. I'm way to tired. I should've drank some coffee this morning but instead I went out without even eating.

I heard them all laugh at me. Shoto was behind me and I heard him laugh too... at that moment I just wanted to run away and cry. I got up and lowered my head. I walk in the class and sat down at my desk.

Class was long and annoying. I could feel some people stare at me. What did I do wrong? I just fell. Can't that happen to all of us?! I can't believe some people judge others because of such small details.

The bell rang loudly. Aizawa sensei dismissed us. I got up fast and started to pack all my stuff to leave as soon as possible. It was the last class of the day, luckily. Right when I took a step out of the class I feel a big hand around my left wrist. I flinched and it caused the person to tighten their grip on my wrist.

They pulled me throughout the hallway. I recognised the path that we took, it was leading to the back of the building. I was shaking in fear.

Until now I didn't look at the person at all. I closed my eyes because of how much I was scared at the moment. I open my eyes and turn my head toward this mysterious person.

Blond hair, tall and well built...

Oh shit...


Really crappy chapter. Im sorry for the really late update I was busy with school work but this Friday is gonna be the last day of school! After that I'll be on vacation!
I'll have a lot more time to draw,paint and update this book.

Something bad is boutta happen...

Be ready for the angst my boi...



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