-Chapter 16- I DID THAT FOR YOU!

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-Izuku's POV-

Wait... it's his fault.

I stared at him, tears of sadness were becoming tears of anger and rage. I was boiling up in anger. All that anger that bottled up in me for the past  months will get out. This bottle will snap open... really soon...


"I F*CKING HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME!? IT'S MY HOUSE, MY ROOM, IT'S ALL MY PROPERTY! NOW GET YOUR ASS OUT OF MY HOUSE" I shouted. I clenched my fists. I frowned and looked at him while boiling up with anger. I couldn't control myself anymore.

"I DID THAT FOR YOU! I DON'T WANT YOU TO HURT YOURSELF! ARE YOU COMPLETELY DUMB?!" He shouted back at me. The bottled up anger that I tried to keep in is about to burst out.

"GET YOU THINGS AND GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE!" I said while throwing books at him. He dodged each one. "I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE IZUKU MIDORIYA! I WONT LET YOU DO SOMETHING STUPID" He shouted I could feel the anger in his voice it made me feel bad but the anger was overpowering every emotions possible.

"I said: GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE OR LISTEN TO YOUR ANNOYING ASS MONOTONE VOICE SO GET THE FUCK OUT!" I shouted, then threw my chair at him. This is not gonna end well... "GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT" I screamed my heart was aching at the words coming out of my mouth.

"OKAY FINE BUT DON'T BLAME ME IF YOU DO SOMETHING STUPID AND END UP IN A HOSPITAL ROOM! I DID EVERYTHING I COULD FOR YOU BUT IT'S YOUR PROBLEM IF YOU DON'T WANT TO LISTEN TO ME! BYE" He shouted really loudly. He then got out of my room grabbed his stuff and walked out of my house, shutting the door loudly behind him.

I knew that this wasn't gonna end well...

I was a sobbing mess. I fell on my knees, sobbing every tear left in my body. I stood up and walked to the guest room. I only want one thing right now.

I got in. I made it a mess. I did that because I wanted my blades but also because of the leftovers of my bottled up anger. I finally found my pack of blades.

I sat in the corner of the room. The door was closed. I took a piece of paper and a pencil. I wrote a little note really fast. I took the blade to my wrist. I looked at the veins that we could clearly see through my skin.

I put the blade on one of my wrist and cut it open as deep as possible. It bled a lot, remember when I said that I loved to see the crimson red liquid drip down my arms, well I still do. I went to my other wrist and did the same with one of my veins.

It was blurry... really blurry...

Crimson liquid on the floor...

I'm cold... really cold

it's black... all black

Finally, I reached my goal...

I'm dead

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