-Chapter 8- Sayonara Todoroki...

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-Izuku's POV-

I woke up to the sunshine coming from my window. Ugh I hate Fridays. We have math in the morning and I think hero training after lunch. I think that I can miss the morning and only do the hero training. Normally the teachers should understand...

I get out of my bed and realized that I only slept for 2 hours. It's 5am right now. School start at 8am. I go to the bathroom and washed my face off. Hopefully It will wake me up a bit more. I have bags under my eyes like always. I cover them with makeup and roll up my sleeve. Let's do this again...


More.. I need more...

I stoped, feeling dizzy. "I should stop now..." I wash off my cuts and wrap them up. I get out of the bathroom and sit on my bed.
Mom left me. There is no one left that care for me now.... I think I'm gonna do it... until now I thought that something could change but... it never did...

I get up lazily and sit at my desk glancing at the clock. It's 8am school is starting, lunch is at 12pm and at 1h30pm we have hero training. I'll start getting ready at 1pm. I should think of that idea... that one thing in my head. Suicide. I think I'll do it around 5pm after school ends... yeah I'll do that.

I should write notes, but for who?
I don't think that I should write notes no one care anyways. And I also have a better idea... I'll text Todoroki to meet me on the roof at 5pm...

-time skip he's walking to U.A-

Ah finally. I'm walking to the stairs. Going up like I usually do... but it doesn't feel the same now...

I arrive at class 1-A 5 minutes before class start I sit down unpack my stuff and wait till it starts. Not even 2 minutes later other students started to come in. I see Uraraka walking in the hallway beside Iida. They get in and I turn my head toward the window. I can hear them walking to my desk but before they could do anything All Might came in and told us to sit down.

- Time skip after hero training-

It's 4h30 now... I should head to the roof by now. On my way I text Todoroki to meet me at the at 5pm.
By the time I got up the roof, it was 4h50. I walk towards the edge. I roll  my sleeves up and take off the bandages. I take my blazer off and gently fold it. I put it down and looked at the sunset.

It's beautiful... It's the last time that I will see it... It's almost the time... I cut a little more and Let the blood drip down my arms. Todoroki is coming I hear footsteps he opens the door and looks toward me with a shocked expression.

I look over my shoulder and back at the sun...

"Feels like we're on the edge right now"

"I wish that I could say I'm proud"

"I'm sorry that I let you down"

"Let you down"

"All these voices in my head get loud"

"I wish that I could say I'm proud"

"I'm sorry that I let you down"

"L-l-let you down"

"Yeah, I guess I'm a disappointment"

"Doing everything I can, I don't wanna make you disappointed"

"It's annoying"

"I just wanna make you feel like everything I ever did wasn't ever tryna make an issue for you"

"But, I guess the more you"

What If It Was All Fake... (Depressed Deku X Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now