-Chapter 34- Smile please

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-Izuku's POV-

Hang in there... please don't die...

What's wrong Ishiro...?

What have been happening to you...?

We are in the ambulance. It's dead silent. Not a word. Not a sound. The drive to the hospital is... so silent.

I grab Ishiro's hand that was resting on his right side. I can't lose someone else. If Ishiro dies... I'll have no family left... I'll be all alone. I'll be the only Midoriya...

Shoto grabbed my hand. He squeezed and looked at me. I cry silently.

I'm not alone.

I have Shoto by my side. I have to keep hoping. Everything will be alright. Ishiro will live and we will forget about this incident. Ishiro, you will live!

The paramedics took Ishiro inside really fast. Only me and Shoto were left inside of the ambulance. We walk out. We slowly make our way inside the hospital.

I look around. It's the same as the four other times that I came. Nothing changed. It's still a depressing grey and white place. I hate hospitals. They're so depressing and boring. You feel really close to death when you enter a hospital.

While I was in my train of thoughts I could here two nurses talking with the receptionist.

"Its the third time this week." Nurse #1 said.

"Poor man. I hope that he will get better. Can I see this patient's files" Nurse #2 said.

"Here. Ishiro Midoriya. Congenital heart disease" The receptionist said.

"Oh no. That's not good." Nurse #2 exclaimed.

"Is it his son here?" Nurse #1 asked.

"No it's his nephew, poor boy. His mom died some time ago..."

My vision became blurry. Tears started to go down my face. I couldn't keep them in. They just streamed down my face uncontrollably.

I clench my fists and run. I run without a care in the world. I can hear Shoto call me from the distance. Everything is blurry. The sounds around me sound muffled. People's voices and shoes hitting the floor, nurses and doctors running around. It's all muffled.

I see the restrooms. I run into them. I crash on the floor. I get up and check the stalls. No one. It's empty. I walk back to the door and lock the door.

I crush down on my knees.

I don't know for how long I cried.

I took my blade out. I looked at it and sobbed. I threw it away. I got up and walked in front of the mirror.

I grabbed the edge of the sink. I looked at myself in the mirror. I felt like I was going to go insane.


Blood trickled down my fingers as I looked at the pieces of glass that were around me on the floor.

I wash my hand and walked out of the bathroom. I catched my breath and calmed down as I walked towards the waiting room. I see Shoto. I walk up to him and sit beside him.

I wipe my tears away when I remembered what I said earlier.

I won't loose hope.

I'm not alone.

Ishiro will live.

"Izuku Midoriya?"

I look up to see who called my name. I see a nurse standing in front of me.


"Could you follow me" The nurse said, gesturing towards a hallway.

I get up. She started walking. I followed behind, silently. She showed me a room's door.

"This is Ishiro Midoriya's room. You can see him. He doesn't have much time left-"

I cut her off by opening the room's door.  I slam it behind me. I hear a little thud. I think I hit her face.

I walk towards Ishiro's bed. Tears are still running down my face.

He looks at me and give me his signature smile. It's so bright. It's heartwarming.

I'm crying, thinking that he only have a little but of time left shatters my heart into millions of pieces. I tried to hold back my tears but this time it was impossible.

"I wished I would live longer... I feel like I haven't live enough time. I wanted to go try skydiving. It seemed so fun... I don't want to die yet... there is so much stuff that I wanted to try out. But. I can't do anything about this condition that I'm in... I'll die. I will not be here anymore...."

"Ishiro please don't leave me..." I said through my tears.

"I'm sorry that I will have to leave so early. Please don't cry. Smile! Make yourself a bright future. Be the number 1 hero and achieve your biggest dreams. Travel around the world. Go skydiving even if your scared. Go to the mountain with your boyfriend and try skiing. Smile. Keep smiling. I love your smile. My dream was to make everyone smile..."

"I loved being here with all of you... My life wasn't good. But just remember even if life is tough, you can get through it." He smiled at me.

"Make a world where everyone smiles..."

He smiled brightly.


No heartbeat.

I smiled.

"Good bye Ishiro... it was fun having you around..."

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