-Chapter 20- Thoughts

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-Izuku's POV-

We walked silently to U.A. It was calm, the birds were flying around, and it was silent. Not an awkward one, it was more of a relaxing and comfortable silent. I loved the walk to school, I've always did. It was relaxing and it cooled my mind. I felt relieved of everything.

But that never lasts forever. That's it, it's life. Everything has an end. Happiness, calm, love, friends, Life. "Huhhh" I sighed not realising how loud it was. Todoroki turned his head to me with a questioned look. "What's wrong?" Todoroki questioned.

"Nothing was just thinking" I answered nonchalantly. "Ok. Tell me if somethin's wrong" he said looking back in front of him. The rest of the walk was as calming as before. The only problem was that all my thoughts about school came back to my head at that exact moment.

I'm gonna see him his bullying will probably not stop. No one knows about my depression and my anxiety, except Todoroki and I, so many questions will be asked today.

'Why were you absent for so long?' 'what happened to you?' 'Why do you have bags under your eyes?' After saying all those questions in my head I realized something. I didn't cover my bags.

I started slightly trembling. Todoroki noticed and turned his face in my direction. He looked a bit confused but also worried. He stoped walking and grabbed me my shoulders. I was looking down at the right, not wanting to look in his eyes that were probably full of worry.

"Look at me Izuku" he said in a low voice. It was... so damn hot. He put two fingers under my chin and lifted my head up. I was facing him. His eyes are beautiful. His face is so pretty. He is so goddamn beautiful.

"Everything will be alright. Don't worry I'm here for you." He said to me with a small smile. I felt a little bit better but my head was still filled with voices and thoughts.

So many thoughts...

Am I even gonna be able to make it to the end of the day...?

Sorry this chapter is a bit late. I don't really like this chapter, I could do better I think. Hope you still enjoyed it!



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