Dun Dun Dun...

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  Two weeks passed and our girls were at Delilah's getting ready for Brandon's birthday party. His chosen theme was "Villains and Heroes." Which just means you come dressed as one of your favorite superheroes or villains. Cyn decided right away that she wanted to be the joker. Emma nor Delilah were super into the whole super hero craze that seemed to have swept the nation. So Cyn assigned their costumes to them. Emma was Harley Quinn and Delilah was Poison Ivy.

  Delilah fixed the red wig on her head and sighed as she looked in the mirror. "I miss red."

  "You look good either way, Daddy." Cyn said as she added the finishing touches to her temporarily green hair. She was going for Heath Ledger's joker since he was her favorite and she needed to look her best.

  "Thank you, princess."

  "Joker, Daddy. Scary villain. Not pretty princess." Cyn huffed as she purposefully smeared the red lipstick over her lips and then her cheeks.

  Delilah chuckled. "My apologies, scary villain."

Emma appeared in the bathroom doorway pulling at the bottom half of her costume. "Sweets, I think these are too small." It was literally like a pair of sparkly red and blue underwear with a belt. Thank god for the fishnets or she'd feel completely exposed. She did kind of like the "Daddy's Lil Monster" t-shirt though. She might just add it to her personal collection.

Cyn and Delilah smiled at her. They liked that costume on her. Cyn giggled. "It's not too small. They're supposed to fit like that."

"Oh." Emma looked down at herself and spun around for them. "Does it look okay?" She asked.

"More than okay." Delilah assured her.

  Emma looked up at both of them and realized the way they were looking at her. "Put your eyes back in your head. Both of you." She chuckled.

  "Can't help it." Cyn said.

  "Really just can not help it." Delilah added.

  Emma tried not to blush and failed. "Whatever. Are you two ready? We're going to be late."

Delilah and Cyn laughed and finished in the bathroom. They ordered a car and took the short trip to their house. Emma held Delilah's hand as they walked in. She hadn't said it but Em could tell her love was feeling nervous about the crowd of people that would be at the party.

"It's okay. I'm right here and I won't leave your side, okay?" Emma whispered. Delilah gave her a small but very grateful smile.

Andre spotted the triad as soon as they walked in. He made a show of strutting over to them in his Batman outfit. He spun around and placed his hands on his hip. "You three look like trouble."

Cyn giggled. "Well, duh." She threw her arms around her friend but was careful not to get makeup on his costume. "Hi, Dre."

"Hey, Joker." He squeezed her tight. "Whoa, Harley AND poison ivy?" He motioned to the other two women standing behind her. "Very nice. Hi, ladies."

They both said hello. Emma held up the gift bag with the hand that wasn't holding Delilah's. "This is for Brandon. Where is he?" She asked.

He shrugged. "He was taking shots with the Hulk the last time I saw him. I'll take it for now though. Come on. Let's get you guys drunk. You're behind."

  They followed him to the kitchen and he poured everyone a shot. Brandon came up behind him and grabbed him. Dre almost spilled the liquor. He laughed.

  Brandon was already extremely drunk. His magneto helmet was crooked on his head. He sloppily hugged all three women at the same time. "I'm so glad you guys came. Oh my god. It means the world." He hugged them all again.

  "My boy is an emotional drunk." Dre warned as he handed the women their shots.

  "Am not. Where's mine? I'm the birthday man." He pouted until Dre handed him the little plastic cup. He held it up and shouted, "To me!"

  They laughed and followed suit. "To Brandon!" They all cheered before swallowing the bitter liquid.

  "Oh! Look! It's Nat." Dre said as he waved her over.

  She strolled over without her boyfriend on her arm. Rare sighting. "Hey guys." She handed Brandon a small square box.

  Brandon smiled widely and hugged her. "Thanks girl. Happy Birthday!"

  Natalie laughed. She started to tell him it wasn't her birthday but figured it really didn't matter. It was obvious he was too drunk to really care. She turned her attention to her boss and her boss's boss, unsure what she should say other than hi. Cyn told her about their situation or relationship. It didn't bother her. It was just surprising. Very surprising. "Hey, Cyn." The two women embraced. "Emma. Miss Daniels."

  "Delilah when we're not at work." She said smiling.

  "Delilah." Natalie repeated. "I can do that."

  "Oh my god." Brandon said as though he had the best idea. "I have a buddy you guys would love. She's the funniest bitch ever. Hold on." Before anyone could ask any questions he took off through the sea of people.

"Anyway," Dre said, "where's Nate?" He finished pouring a drink and handed it to Nat.

  She rolled her eyes and took a big sip. "Let's not talk about that."

  Dre winced and offered to pour more alcohol in her cup which she joyfully accepted.

  "Nat!" A guy in a Deadpool costume shouted and waved her over.

  "I'll catch up with you guys later." She said before meeting up with her masked friend.

  Brandon came back dragging a head to toe blue Mystique right behind him. "Girls, this is Amerah. Amerah these are the girls." He chuckled, proud of himself for introducing possible best friends. He knew they would love each other if they met. Instead everyone just stared at each other in silence.

  "Wait," Dre picked up on the awkwardness, "what's going on?" He asked.

  "Oh god. You know what?" Brandon asked as he completely failed to read the room. "You two kind of look alike." He pointed his finger from Amerah to Delilah then back again.

  "We do not!" Amerah and Delilah said at the same time.

  Brandon laughed. "Well Duh. Not right now. She's blue and she has red hair but you know.. other times." Brandon put his cup down and grabbed his boyfriend's hand. "Come on babe. I love this song." He pulled Dre away from the unfolding drama he had just created.

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