Just A Little Cyn

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Cyn sat on the hospital bed and looked around now that she was alone. She had a gnarly headache and different parts of her body were hurting. She had a cast on her arm and the stitches on her head were ouchy. Not to mention her ankle was throbbing. She just wanted her Mommy and Daddy. At least the bird was okay, Cyn thought to herself.

The other good news was that her doctor was a familiar face. So she didn't feel as nervous as she did at first. She totally forgot Penelope worked at the hospital. She searched the bed for her phone but couldn't find it. How were her loves supposed to know she was hurt if they couldn't reach her?

The door opened and Penelope walked in. "Guess who I found in the waiting room." She said as Delilah and Emma rushed in behind her. "I'll give you guys a moment. Be back soon." She left them alone.

"Oh my god. Baby girl, what happened?" Delilah asked as her and Emma sat on either side of the bed. They carefully and closely inspected every inch of her to take inventory of her injuries. Cyn was pretty banged up but they were so worried it would be so much worse.

"I-I was trying to help the birdy. It was s-scared." She stuttered. Cyn wasn't in the best shape. However, considering the circumstances she had been able to hold herself together but she was just a little baby who needed love and attention. Now that her lovers were there, she could take off her big girl mask. The tears poured out fast and hard. She had ouchies everywhere and the booboos really hurted. "I'm sowwy. I know I not apost to climb high stuffs!" She apologized through her tears.

Emma and Delilah shushed her and lovingly but very carefully stroked her hair and gave her kisses. "Baby, its okay." Emma cooed. "We're both really glad it wasn't too bad."

"Soooo happy you're okay, princess. Don't worry about it. Okay?" Delilah gently kissed her forehead and continued to hold her hand.

Cyn sniffled. "My head hurts. Everything hurts, Mommy."

Emma frowned. "I know, sweet girl." She wished in that moment that she could take on all the pain her little girl was feeling instead.

"We're going to take you home and make sure you get all better, baby." Delilah said softly. She hated seeing Cyn all banged up. She silently chastised herself for her phone not being charged. What if Cyn called her to tell her she needed a ladder or something. This could have all been avoided.

Cyn slowly nodded her aching head. "Otay." She whined.

The door opened again and Penelope walked in. "Hey. Just me. Look what I snagged for you from the nurses station." She held out a lollipop and a sparkly sticker.

Cyn's wet eyes lit up. She looked at her Daddy for permission to take it. Delilah nodded. Cyn used her good arm to reach out and take the treasures. "Thank you, P." Cyn said. She wiped the tears from her face.

  "You're welcome, sweetie." Penelope said abssently as she took Cyn's chart from the end of the bed. She read over her list of injuries. "Okay.. Girlfriends, I assume you'll be in charge of her care."

  "Obviously." Emma snarked. Maybe it was because of Cyn's vulnerable state but Emma was feeling very territorial. She still didn't trust Penelope and it bothered her that she of all people, she had to be Cyn's doctor.

  Penelope looked up at her over her clipboard. She laughed mirthlessly. She would ignore Emma's apparent disdain for her for the sake of Cyn. She chalked it up to the stress of the situation. "Anyway, Cynthia has sprained her ankle, broken her arm, and hit her head. I have given her stitches as you can see right along here." Penelope gently touched around the area. The nurses have included all the care information in the package you guys will take home with you. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me personally, Cyn."

Emma rolled her eyes. "Is there anything else, doctor?"

"Your girl has a concussion. So a headache is expected if she's not already feeling it. She may be sensitive to light. A little disoriented or nauseous. I'll give her something to take before you all leave so she should be okay for the rest of the night and of course you'll pick her pain medicine tomorrow. That's it really."

"Thank you." Delilah said. She could tell her Mistress was already agitated. And while Penelope was the easy target to take her frustrations out on, it wasn't her fault. She was just doing her job.

"Yeah. Thanks, P." Cyn said. She rested her head on her Emma's shoulder. "Can we go home now, Mommy?"

That made Emma relax just a bit. She kissed her head. "Yes, sweets."

"I'll have someone bring in your discharge papers. Take care of yourself, Cynthia." Penelope said before she left the room.

After being discharged, a nurse had to wheel Cyn out to the waiting room. She was surprised to see all of their friends waiting for her. Even Blu. She hated hospitals. She confided in Cyn a while ago that they were triggering for her but here she was anyway. She was actually the first one to approach Cyn. Emma and Delilah filled everyone else in while those two chatted privately. They figured after such a long day, it would be nice to see a good friend.

  Blu didn't say anything. Instead she gently wrapped her arms around her Cyn and gave her a hug.

  Cyn smiled. "Look at my cool sticker." She showed her friend the sparkly prize she got. She told herself it was a reward for being brave while she got her stitches.

  Blu looked down at it and smiled. It was pretty. She liked the way it shimmered in the light. More than anything she was relieved to see her friend was okay for the most part.

  "I'm glad you're okay. I was worried." Blu whispered.

  Though, Cyn wasn't sure anymore if she was actually whispering or if that's just how quiet Blu normally spoke. "I know but you didn't have to come here, Bluby. I know you hate this place."

  "You're my best friend. Other than Mommy." Blu said. She meant it. Cyn held a special place in her heart. She reached in her pocket and pulled out a little white square. She handed it to Cyn.

  Cyn smiled. "I'll take second place to her. What's this?"

  "Open it." Blu said. Cyn unfolded the paper booklet to find a press on tattoo. It was just a half of a heart. Blu pointed to the identical real tattoo she had on her neck. "Twins."

  "I love it, Blu. Thank you." Cyn said. She wanted to put it on immediately but knew she would have to wait.

  "When you get better, I'll make it real for you." Blu smiled.

  "I can't wait." Cyn slid her present in her own pocket. She was happy to see everyone else but she was really ready to go home and lie down.

  As if her Daddy could read her mind, Delilah grabbed the handles of her wheelchair. "Let's get you home, little one."

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