Dig A Little Deeper

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A few days went by since Emma learned of her long lost sibling but they still had not heard anything about a meeting time or place. Emma tried her best to get it off her mind. She felt useless sitting on her hands waiting for something to happen.

  Delilah and Emma were sitting at the coffee table playing scrabble. Delilah analyzed the board after Emma took her turn. "Are you sure that's a word?"

Emma smirked. "You can challenge me if you want but you'll lose a turn if you're wrong."

Delilah internally debated if she wanted to risk it or not. She was already down. She couldn't afford missing points. "Fine."

"Aww. Don't pout, doll. You're only down by..." Emma checked the score and giggled, "thirty."

  Delilah rolled her eyes and started to plan her next word when suddenly Cyn came downstairs. She tossed the folder she was holding on the table, messing up the pair's word game.

  "Cyn." Emma whined.

  Delilah didn't care that the game was ruined. She was losing anyway. She looked down at the folder then back to Cyn.

  "Daddy, what's this?" Cyn asked. She came across the folder as she was rooting around the guest room, trying to make the space her own.

  Emma looked from Cyn to Delilah as she picked up the folder and opened it. She read the contents and was just as confused as she read the information inside.

  "I don't know. Mind telling me?" Delilah said calmly. Cyn already looked upset enough. She didn't think also becoming emotional was in the best interest of anyone.

  "Um.. it's just a lot of stuff about Cyn, D." Emma told her. Why did Delilah have this? Emma was sure it was for a good reason but she understood why Cyn was so freaked out.

  "Oh." Delilah knew exactly what it was. It's the information Miguel gathered without her permission. She forgot she had it. After that night with Miguel she never looked at it again. She didn't even read the entire thing.

  "What does oh mean? Why do you have that, Daddy?" Cyn asked. The folder basically contained her entire life up until the point she met Delilah. It was weird and it freaked Cyn out. It made her feel like Delilah had invaded her privacy. Cyn would tell Delilah anything she wanted to know if she asked. Why was it necessary to go behind her back? Did she not trust Cyn?

Delilah got off of the floor and sat on the couch. "It's old. I didn't even read most of it."

"Okay but why do you have it? How did you even get that stuff?" Cyn asked.

"I didn't." Delilah said.

Cyn looked at Emma.

"She didn't either. Emma had nothing to do with that folder. I honestly forgot I even had it, Cyn."

"Then who gave it to you?" She asked as she sat next to her Daddy.

  Delilah fiddled with her day collar. She didn't want to lie to Cyn but she also didn't want to make her hate the person that found all that stuff. She sighed. "Miguel, but it was before we even started having sex. I didn't ask him to do it. He just knew I was interested in you and he wanted to make sure you checked out."

  "Checked out!?" Cyn asked slightly offended. She wasn't sure if she should be but she was. "Did you think I was after your money or... or wanted to hurt you or something?"

  "I didn't ask him to do it, Cyn. He didn't know you then. He was just trying to keep me safe. It's his job." Delilah explained.

  Cyn folded her arms and pouted. She understood. Neither of them had no way of knowing her true intentions back then but she still didn't like it. "Okay."

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