Cake Walk

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"Thank you guys for letting me come with you." Cyn said as they walked down the sidewalk. She was in the middle of her two lovers. It was cake tasting day and she was so excited. Mostly because she got to eat cake before dinner. All different flavors. She couldn't wait.

"Of course, baby." Delilah said.

"Anywhere we go, you can go." Emma added.

  "Is this the place?" Delilah asked looking up at the building. It stood alone on the corner of the block. It was white stone with a few large windows. All which were tinted. You couldn't see inside if you tried.

  Emma looked at the texts between her and Daniella. "I believe so."

  "Looks fancy." Cyn said. "I hope I don't break anything."

Delilah chuckled but also grabbed Cyn's hand to be safe. "You won't. Stay close to me, baby."

"Otay." Cyn held her Daddy's hand and followed her inside as Emma held the door open for them. They walked inside and looked around. Everything was blinding white. It was a bakery but it felt more like a sterile hospital room. It was quiet and the workers were dressed in all white. They spotted Dani and met her at the counter.

  Daniella hung up the phone. "Hi. You guys found the place alright?"

  "Yeah. It's giving me the creeps though." Emma said looking around.

"Yeah but-" Dani's phone started ringing again. "I'm sorry." She answered it and listened to the person on the other side for a bit. "No. I said cerulean not sky. Not light. Find it or I can find someone else." She ended the call and put her phone in her pocket.

Cyn hid behind Delilah a little bit. "Dani scary."

Delilah chuckled.

  Daniella's face immediately softened. "Aww. No I'm not, Cyn. Look what I got for you. It was the last one." Dani held out a chocolate chip cookie.

  Cyn smiled and grabbed it. "Thank you, Dani."

  "Yes. Thank you, Dani. As if she wasn't about to consume enough sweets already." Emma mumbled.

  Dani laughed and looked at her watch. "Come on. It's time to meet with the owner." Dani led them to the back of the bakery into a little conference room and they all sat. Cyn happily munched on her cookie and swung her legs in the tall chair. In her eyes, today was already shaping up to be a good one.

Dani crossed her legs and made herself comfortable. "Her name is Mary. She's a good friend of mine and I work with her all the time."

"You're at my house so often I failed to realize you had other friends besides Delilah." Emma said pointedly.

Dani narrowed her eyes at the blonde. "Hardy har har. Anyway, she's the sweetest person alive. You'll love her."

"If you say so." Delilah sighed. She just wanted to get this over with. She wasn't huge on sweets. She rarely ever ate them. Maybe a few chocolates here and there but it wasn't her thing nearly as much as it was Em's or Cyn's.

Dani gasped. She just now realized Emma was wearing glasses. "I didn't know you wore glasses."

Emma nervously adjusted them on her face. She hated wearing them out in public but she fell asleep in her contacts the night before and her eyes were irritated. "Yeah."

"You should wear them all the time. They look good as hell on you." Dani smiled and winked at her.

  Emma blushed a little bit and relaxed. "Thank you." Delilah and Cyn already told her that so many times before they left home but it was nice to hear it from an outside source.

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