Sibling Surprise

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  The next morning the trio laid cuddled in bed together. Emma laid on her back in the middle of the bed with both Cyn and Delilah cuddled up to her on either side. The three of them were all exhausted. They stayed at the club longer than they anticipated and stayed up way too late with Dani and Miguel afterwards. However tired they were though, it was well worth it. It was a mutual thought that they all experienced a new level of intimacy and vulnerability with each other the prior night. Now with sweet dreams dancing through their minds, the trio slept peacefully with nothing between them but love. That is until the doorbell rang, waking them all from their slumber.

"Not it." Emma croaked as she went back to sleep.

"Not it." Cyn mumbled. She snuggled closer to her Mommy.

Delilah whined as the doorbell rang again. Still, she got up and tossed on a robe as she shuffled to the door. As soon as she unlocked it, Rebecca burst in. "Delilah, hey. Where is she?" She asked as she kicked off her shoes. She knew how anal the brunette was about it.

"Where is who?" Delilah asked as she yawned. Her eyes were barely opened.

"My sister! Emma." Rebecca looked towards the steps before taking flight. She was obviously panicking.

"Wait! Rebecca!" Delilah called as she followed her.

"Em! Get up." Rebecca said as she stormed into the bedroom.

The annoying sound of her sister's voice shook Emma from her rest. She quickly ensured Cyn's naked body was covered before covering herself. "What the fuck, Bec! What??" Emma growled. For one, it was entirely too early for whatever she had to say. Secondly, her girlfriend was naked! She was naked. Why would she just burst in like that?

  "He's here!" Rebecca shouted. "Sorry, Cyn."

  Cyn honestly didn't care. At least not right then. Too tired. She waved Rebecca off and turned over to continue her slumber.

  "He?" Emma sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Who's "he" and why is he here?"

  "Nicholas. Our brother!" Rebecca began pacing back and forth. She was excited and nervous. Worry had her awake half the night as it had done since she found out they had a long lost sibling.

  "What??" Emma grabbed her phone. She had a shit load of calls from Bec and a few from her parents. "Why? How did this happen?"

  Cyn groaned. Her crankiness was unsubtly creeping in. She just wanted to sleep but she couldn't with all the talking. Emma softly rubbed Cyn's back to help her go back to sleep. "Okay, Bec. Give me a minute. I'll be downstairs in a sec."

"Ughhh. Hurry!" She said as she left the room.

Delilah closed the bedroom door behind her. She took off her robe and crawled back into bed to wrap her arms around her Mistress. She didn't want her to leave. She was enjoying their sleeping in entirely too much. She was warm and comfortable beside her owner.

Emma chuckled. "Doll."

"Mine." Delilah murmured.

"Always baby, but I need to go talk to my sister."

  Delilah groaned and reluctantly let go of her. Emma gave her girls a kiss and then got out of bed. She threw on a pair of shorts and a random t-shirt and judging by the length of it, assumed it was Cyn's. When she got downstairs Rebecca was still pacing.

  "So, tell me. What happened? I thought we were just waiting to hear back from him." Emma sat on the couch and drew her legs to her chest. She was so tired. She rested her head on her knees as she watched her sister walk back and forth. It was interesting. Usually this scenario would have played out the other way around with Em worrying about the inevitable while Bec watched her with bored eyes.

Rebecca paused her pacing. "Well I don't know really. Apparently Mom and Dad got in contact with him and started talking over the phone and video chats. One thing led to another and I guess he hoped on a plane over here. He wants to meet them and us!"

"Okay so why are you freaking out? We knew this would happen eventually, right?" Emma asked.

  "Why aren't you freaking out!?" Bec asked in return. "This is a big deal. He's our brother."

  "Allegedly." Emma added.

  "He looks just like us! More so you than me."

  Emma rolled her eyes. She was already fed up with everyone falling over themselves about this guy. "Yeah well I don't trust him."

  "You don't know him." Bec said.

  "More of a reason not to trust him."

  Rebecca sighed and flopped down beside her older sister. "What are we going to do?"

"There's nothing to do." Emma said but she noticed how stressed her sister was. "Look, we'll just go get a feel for the guy. They'll take the paternity test and we'll see what he wants. From there I guess we'll just figure out the rest." Emma was not excited to meet Nicholas. She was actually the complete opposite.

  Rebecca nodded. Maybe it was really that simple. After all, Emma was right. There was really nothing else they could. The internal panic she felt earlier dissipated and she was at ease. "You're right. Okay."

  "I know I'm right. When are we supposed to meet him?" Emma asked.

  "Tonight at dinner. Mom and dad wanted to spend time with him alone today in case things turned out poorly I guess." Bec shrugged.

  Emma nodded absently. That could be it or they just wanted to fawn over their new favorite child in peace. "Oh." Emma stood up. "Well, are we done here? Can I get back to my bed and my girlfriends?"

  Rebecca laughed. "Yes. Sorry again for barging in."

  Emma rolled her eyes sarcastically. "You think I'd be used to it now. Come here." She wrapped her arms around her little sister and squeezed her tight. "It'll be fine, Bec."

  "I know. Love you, sis."

  "Love you too." Emma let go of her and watched as she got in her car and left. She ran back upstairs to find her place in the middle was occupied by a smaller body. Cyn had wiggled her way over to Delilah to get all the cuddles possible. She liked being the "big" spoon with Daddy. Emma smiled and got comfy in her new spot. She felt Cyn lean into her after she wrapped her arms around her.

  "Everything okay, Mommy?" Cyn asked sleepily.

  "Perfect, sweets. Let's get some sleep." Emma kissed her love's shoulder and snuggled close. Together they quickly fell asleep.

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