Breakfast With Babies

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  Delilah laid stretched out on her king sized bed. The sun's rays were shining in through her windows slowly warming the sheets strewn across her body and bed. Emma to her left and Cyn was on her right. She snuggled lower between them. She understood why her littlest girlfriend liked the middle so much. It was comfy there.

  "Hi, Daddy." Emma buried her face in Delilah's hair, her words were muffled. She tossed her leg over Delilah and put her thumb in her mouth.

  Delilah smiled. There was a voice she had not heard in a while. "Good morning, Emmy."

Cyn's little head popped up when she heard the other two women talking. She crawled on top of Delilah and made herself comfortable before resting her head and closing her eyes again.

Delilah chuckled. Now she was their prisoner. "Do you two think we're going to stay in bed all day?"

  "Mmhm." Em hummed her response. Cyn didn't even bother answering. She was way too cozy on her Daddy to be bothered.

  "So no one wants breakfast?" Delilah asked, trying to bribe them with food.

  "Shhh, Daddy!" Cyn whined.

  "Wow. I guess I won't make cinnamon rolls then. My girls are too sleepy."

Emmy opened one of her eyes. "Wif icing??"

Cyn listened closely for the response as she was very interested in the possibility of sweets for breakfast.

"With icing." Delilah confirmed.

"Me! Me! Me!" Cyn sat up quickly. "Daddy I want cimanin rolls!!"

Emma took her thumb out of her mouth. "Me tooooo!!" She whined.

Delilah laughed. She knew that would work. "Okay so everyone up. Let's go."

  Downstairs, Delilah started to cook while Emmy and Cyn sat at the table. The two of them were having a race to see who who could finish their word search the fastest. Cyn kept putting her hand over Emma's puzzle so she couldn't see the letters.

  "Daddy! She is cheating!!" Em whined.

  Delilah looked up from what she was doing to see Cyn snickering. "Cynthia." She said sternly.

  "Yes, Daddy?" The woman answered innocently.

"Bad girls that cheat don't get cinnamon rolls. You know that, right?"

Cyn stopped her searching and chewed on her bottom lip as she looked up at her Daddy. "Yes."

"So I only have good girls here, right?"

"Yes, Daddy. Of course."

Emma sniggered quietly and stuck her tongue out while Delilah wasn't looking. Cyn gasped and pointed at the blonde beside her. "Daddy! She's teasing!!"

"Nope. I'm not." Emma mumbled and continued to do her puzzle.

"Yeah huh. You were!" Cyn grabbed the crayon Emma was using.

"Hey! Give it back!" Emma whined.

Cyn threw the crayon to the floor and stuck her tongue out in retaliation. So naturally Emma grabbed her crayon and tossed it to the ground as well. They stared at each other menacingly.

Delilah grabbed a large bag of rice and two bowls from the cabinet. She sat the items down on the table and removed their puzzles. "You two need to cool it. So until I tell you to stop, you'll sit here quietly and count these grains of rice. While you're counting I want you to think about the apology you'll be giving each other when you're done. Understood?"

"Yes, Daddy." Both women said in unison. Neither of them wanted to this. It seemed like cruel and unusual punishment. Not to mention boring as heck! It was no secret they would both prefer spankings, their Daddy knew that and that's why they didn't receive them.

"Good." Delilah left them to their counting. She watched and listened closely for any teasing or mumbling but it seemed her girls were following directions. She continued to cook but the silence she created was bothering her. She let music play from her phone as she whirled around the kitchen preparing breakfast for the two women she loved so much. She thought about talking about the moving experiment with Cyn but decided to wait until her and Emma were feeling bigger.

"Daddy, what if someone loses count of their rices?" Emmy asked.

"Then start over." Delilah answered before turning on the blender to make her shake.

  Em frowned and poured her rice out to start over. Cyn saw how upset she was so she dumped her rice out as well. "I messed up too." She offered Em a white flag in the form of a sly smirk. Em returned the gesture.

"Sowwy for cheating." Cyn said quietly.

"And I'm sorry for teasing you." Emma replied.

Cyn smiled before leaning over and kissing Emma on the cheek. Delilah watched their make up from the kitchen and rolled her eyes as she chuckled to herself. Those two would be the early death of her.

  "You two can stop counting." Delilah said. "Clean up the rice and you can finish your puzzles."

  "Yay!!" They both exclaimed as they hurried to follow directions.

  When the food was finished, Delilah placed their plates on the table. She noticed she had icing on her hand the same time that Cyn noticed. The little girl grabbed her Daddy's hand and sucked the icing from from her finger.

Emma giggled. "Daddy made a mess." She joined Cyn in licking the sweet and sticky treat from the taller women's hand.

Delilah held in a moan and pulled her hand away from both of them. "Eat. You can terrorize me after breakfast."

"Is that a promise?" Cyn asked.

"Only if you're good girls until then." Delilah replied.

Cyn and Emma looked at each other and smirked devilishly. Suddenly the cinnamon rolls weren't the only thing that had their mouth watering.

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