The One

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  Lucas's face lit up when he saw Isabella walking towards him. It took everything in him not to run towards her. He hadn't stopped thinking about the scent of her neck or the feel of her hand since they said good night the evening prior. "Izzy!" He said excitedly when she got closer.

  She scratched the top of his messy mop and hugged him. She adored his curly hair and she loved when he just let it fall where it may. That was her favorite style for him. "Hi, my prince."

  He smiled and again his imaginary tail was wagging like a mad man. "I missed you."

  "I missed you too."

  "Where is your niece and your friends?" He asked.

"Inside. Come." She tried to pull him along but was met with resistance. He was clearly much stronger than her.

  "Wait, Izzy. Is it okay if we kiss?" Lucas asked. He didn't get a chance to ask last night and it was the only thing he was able to think about since. It didn't need to be long or sexy. He just like the intimacy of it. He was nervous to ask but he didn't want the chance to pass him by again.

  Bell smiled at his nervous fidgeting. The only reason she didn't kiss him last night was because she wasn't sure how comfortable he was with that just yet. "Of course, my prince." She planted a gentle kiss against his lips. "Was that okay?" She asked.

  He had the goofiest smile painted on his face and swore he couldn't feel the ground under his feet. "Yes, ma'am."

  She smiled and grabbed his hand. Bell led him to the table where the others were already seated. "Lucas, this is Delilah. This is her girlfriend, Cynthia. And this is Daniella."

"Hi!" He shook all of their hands. "It's very nice to meet you guys.

"You too." Delilah said.

  "You can call me Dani." She said.

"Lucas, look! I saved you a seat next to me!" Cyn said. She was so excited to add another friend to her never ending collection. She didn't have a ton of little friends. Really just Blu and Emmy but Emmy didn't really count because she was her girlfriend too. "Belly, can Lucas sit next to me?"

  "If he wants to, dear." Isabella answered.

  Lucas smiled. In his mind Cynthia was a bitch but obviously that wasn't true. She was sweet. Which was nice. Lucas was relatively new to the life as well. He only had one other Mommy before Izzy but it didn't last long or work out for whatever reasons. He didn't have anyone to talk to about this side of him. He was too afraid no one would understand. Maybe him and Cynthia could be friends after all. "I do. Thanks." He sat between Cyn and Isabella. "Thanks for letting me join you guys. I hope I'm not intruding. Congratulations to you by the way. You must be so excited."

  "Thank you, Lucas. I am really excited and no. You're not intruding. It's nice to put a face to name." Delilah said. She looked at Lucas carefully. He looked innocent enough. He didn't seem like the type to give her tía hell but she would be watching him closely. Maybe even get Miguel to snoop on him. Surely Bell did her due diligence but sometimes infatuation got in the way of better judgment.

  "Daniella are you a cousin or...?" Lucas started to ask.

  "They're not cousins! They used to bone!" Cyn said giggling. Which caused Lucas to giggle.

  Delilah and Dani both sat there stunned in silence. It's not like either of them actually forgot but almost. They became such good friends it's like the past never happened.

Isabella smiled. "Ohhhhh. I didn't know that."

"Because it doesn't matter. It was like one hundred years ago." Dani said.

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