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  The next day Emma decided to work from home. She didn't want to leave Cyn. Even though she had Delilah, Emma wouldn't be able to focus so far away from their baby girl. She was a hands on type of lover and this was no different. She had Cyn sitting in her lap while she typed up some things for work. The entire day she didn't let Cyn out of her sight. Delilah's home office let too much light in for Cyn's constant headache, so Emma set up shop in their bedroom where she could close the blackout curtains.

The door opened and Delilah walked. She sat next to Emma and Cyn. "Okay, sweets. I have your medicine."

Cyn stuck out her bottom lip and slowly shook her head. "No, Daddy."

"What is that?" Emma asked looking away from her work.

"Her pain medicine." She held it out so Emma could see it.

"Eh. Does she have to take two?" Emma asked as she rubbed the unstitched part of Cyn's precious head.

"That's what the bottle says." Delilah frowned. She didn't want to make her princess take the medicine but she also didn't want her to be in pain.

"I don't wanna, Mommy." Cyn turned her face so it was hiding in Emma's shirt.

"Are you hurting, baby?" Emma asked.

Cyn reluctantly nodded.

"So you should take your medicine." Emma gently coaxed her to sit up. "Can you be Mommy's big girl?"

Cyn shook her head no and tiny tears started to slip from her eyes. She hated icky medicines, but everything hurted so much. She just wanted to feel better already.

"What if I brought you a yummy snack to take after you swallowed your pills?" Delilah asked.

"Yummy snack like what?" Cyn asked.

Delilah took the chocolate pudding cup she had from behind her back. "Like this?"

Cyn sniffled and shrugged. "I try."

"That's all we ask, sweets." Emma kissed her head.

Cyn picked up her sippy cup from Emma's improvised desk made of bed side tables and a fold out table. She popped in the pills and immediately filled her mouth with juice from her cup. She gagged a little before getting the two little assailants down her throat. "Blehk!!" Cyn stuck out her tongue.

"Good job, baby." Delilah said. As little as Cyn was right then she was surprised she actually did it. She was proud of her. "Do you want me to feed you your pudding?"

Cyn nodded. Not having access to her dominant arm was ass and she felt weird using her right hand. Delilah carefully helped her out of Emma's lap and on to the bed much to the blonde's displeasure. She was enjoying the feel of Cyn on her lap and stealing forehead kisses as she worked.

"Daddy, after I done with pudding can I put on my tattoo that Blu gave me?"

"Sure, sweets." Delilah fed her another spoonful of pudding. "What is the tattoo?"

  "Half a heart. She has a real one on her neck and when I gets all betters Bluby said she'll give me one like hers." Cyn said. She was nervous but she couldn't wait. "Sippy!" She whined.

  Emma grabbed her cup and handed it to her. "Here, baby." She watched as Cyn drank from the cup. "Is your head or anything feeling better yet?" Emma asked.

  Cyn shook her head no. "Not really."

  "Maybe we should take her back to the hospital." Emma said to Delilah.

  "I don't think the medicine had time to start working yet, love." Delilah could see the worry all over Emma's face. "Let's give it an hour. At least."

  Emma bit the inside of her lip. "Yeah you're right. Okay. We'll wait. Do you want to lie down, sweets?"

  Cyn swallowed the last spoonful of pudding she had in her mouth. "No."

"Do want to read a story with me?" Delilah asked.

"Yeah. Can I pick, Daddy?" Cyn asked.

  Delilah sighed. She already knew what that meant. Cat in the hat. It was Cyn's absolute favorite book. There were a plethora of books for Cyn to choose from. Delilah made sure there were plenty of books for Emmy and little Cyn to choose from but still every time, Cyn chose Cat In the Hat. At this point Delilah didn't need to look at the pages anymore. "Sure, princess."

  Emma chuckled. She also already knew what book Cyn was going pick. When she realized the two of them were leaving the room, she stopped working. "Where are you going?"

  "To read." Delilah said.

  "Why can't you read in here?" Emma asked. She really didn't want Cyn out of her sight. She needed to be near her so she could protect her. She felt so bad when she heard Cyn hurt herself and her Mommy wasn't there. She knew it was impossible for Cyn to never leave her sights again but for right now she could try. 

  "You're working and there's a chair in her room that would probably be more comfortable for her to sit in while I read to her." Delilah explained.

  "I can work while you read." Emma said. She got up and went to Cyn's room to grab the chair. It was heavier than she expected but she managed. She put the chair next to the bed. "There." She said only slightly out of breath.

  "Mommy, are you okay?" Cyn asked. She understood wanting to spend time together but that was excessive. Earlier Em wouldn't even let her go to the bathroom by herself. She's been very hovery ever since they brought her home from the hospital. If Cyn breathes too hard it sent Emma in a frenzy.

  "Yes." Emma answered.

  "Are you sure?" She asked. "I know I'm pretty beat up but I'll be perfectly fine."

  Emma nodded. "I know."

  Cyn started to get up from her seat on the bed with Delilah's help. She sat in her chair. "Thank you, Daddy."

"You're welcome, princess. I'll be right back. Do you need anything, Mistress?" She asked before leaving.

Emma shook her head no. When they were alone Cyn spoke up, "Can I have kisses, Mommy?"

"Sure, baby." Emma leaned down kissed her gently.

"Morrreee, Mommy." Cyn demanded.

Emma giggled and gave her more kisses all over her face while carefully avoiding her stitches. Cyn laughed. "Tank you, Mommy." She knew Emma was probably worried to death about her. She just wanted her to relax.

  "You're welcome, baby." Emma pulled the chair she was sitting in closer to Cyn's chair and sat down. She very gently picked her sprained ankle up and placed it in her lap. She remembered Penelope saying she needed to keep it elevated to reduce swelling and pain. "Is that okay?" She asked.

  Cyn nodded. "Yes."

  Delilah came back with Cyn's favorite blankie and her favorite book. She also made Emma a cup of tea. She knew she said she didn't want anything but her love needed to relax just a bit.

  "Oh. Thank you, doll." Emma said as she took the mug.

  Delilah smiled and kissed the top of her head. Which she wasn't completely sure she was allowed to do but Emma didn't seem to mind. She helped Cyn get cozy before taking a seat. She took a deep breath. "The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play..."

  While Delilah was reading, Cyn looked back and forth between her girlfriends and smiled as she melted into the warmth of her purple fuzzy blanket. It was clear she would never get over how lucky she was. She was theirs and they were hers. Forever. She decided right then there would be nothing they could do to stop her from loving them.  She wanted this for eternity.

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