Coming Out

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Cyn walked the mall with her family while they looked around and shopped. She was having a great time with her family but she was missing her lovers. She sent them a selfie in the group chat while she waited for her Harper and Ava to come out of the dressing rooms.

Emma: 😍😍 You're so cute, sweets.
Cyn: Ty Mommy
Emma: Where are you?
Cyn: the mall. Wru? Where's Daddy? She didn't respond to my picture 😒
Emma: lol she's sleeping, baby. We're at Delilah's
Cyn: I wanna nap w/daddy!! 🥺
Cyn: D*
Emma: I'm sure she would love that. Come over tonight when you ditch your family.
Cyn: 😂😂 I will! g2g. I loooooove you
Emma: I love you too, baby. Behave.
Cyn: Always Mommy. Duh 😁
Emma: 🙄

  Cyn smiled and put her phone away. They brief interaction made her feel worlds better. It was amazing the effect her girlfriends had on her. Though a nap with her Daddy sounded amazing. She was getting cranky and she needed cuddles. Somehow she got roped into tagging along with the insufferable twins. Jaxon and Phoenix ran off together and there was no way Cyn was sticking around for the grossness of her mom and dad. Yuck. So the twins were her last resort.

  "Coming out!" Harper called before she stepped out of the dressing room in a purple dress that Cyn thought was hideous. "What do you think?" She asked.

"Do you really want my opinion or are you just asking for the sake of asking?"

"I want your opinion." Harper said looking at herself in the mirror.

"I hate it. The color and the design." Cyn said honestly.

Harper stopped her showing off in the mirror and looked at Cyn. "Really?"

Cyn nodded.

Ava came out in the same dress in a different color. Harper looked at her then back at Cyn. "You're right." She said before disappearing into the dressing room stall again.

Ava took the hint and went back to change her outfit as well.

  "I've never seen someone look so bored while shopping." A familiar voice said from behind Cyn. She turned around and saw Vanessa.

  "Nessa!" She hugged and squeezed her tight. The staggering height difference made her miss her Daddy even more.

  "Hi, Cynthia."

  "Cyn!" She reminded her.

  "Cyn. That's right. Where are your Mo-"

  "Emma and Delilah." Cyn cut her off. She didn't want her sisters hearing Vanessa call them that.

Vanessa seemingly got the hint from Cyn's subtle panic. "Right. Where are they?"

Harper came out of the dressing room again and saw the woman talking to Cyn. She thought she was gorgeous. Admittedly, Harper had not done the research to impress Cynthia as she made it seem before. She did it for herself. This half of the twin duo had recently found her thoughts consumed with a particular woman back home. The thoughts became actions and one day they shared a kiss. Then more than a kiss. Harper wasn't sure what that meant. It scared her. She broke it off with the woman immediately and never spoke of it again. She was not a lesbian. She liked men. She wasn't sure what was going on with her. So like with anything else she wanted to do her research. She participated in a deep dive of all things LGB and T on the internet. It was a like rabbit hole. Though she felt most aligned with the B section of things, she still couldn't and wouldn't admit it out loud.

Vanessa noticed the woman behind Cyn staring at her in the mirror. She smiled and waved so she would know she saw her looking. Harper's face turned red and she started to walk back into the dressing room before Cyn spoke up.

"Oh sorry. Harper, this is my friend Vanessa. Vanessa, this is my sister Harper." Cyn introduced the two women. "My family is in town visiting."

  "Harper." She said as she shook the taller woman's hand.

  Vanessa chuckled. "So I heard."

The blush in Harper's cheeks deepened. Cyn looked at her oddly. It wasn't like Harper to be so out of place.

"Right." Harper cleared her throat. "Anyway. I have to go.. you know." She motioned to the dressing room and fumbled with the doorknob before realizing it was the wrong door. She went to the right door. "This is me." She said awkwardly before stumbling inside and shielding herself from the gaze of that perfect woman.

  Cyn giggled. "I'm not sure what that was."

  "Clearly she thinks I'm cute, Cyn." Vanessa said quietly.

  Cyn frowned. "No. She's straight. Like.. straight straight."

  Vanessa smirked. "How sure are you?"


"How long is she in town?" Vanessa asked looking at the door the woman disappeared behind.

Cyn put her hands on her own hips. "You're not serious."

"Absolutely. Let's make plans for dinner tomorrow." Vanessa looked down at her watch. "I have to go but you have my number. Text me."

Cyn rolled her eyes. "You're wrong about this."

Vanessa chuckled. "Doubt it." She hugged Cyn again before leaving. A satisfied smirk hang on her lips. Her gaydar was perfected at this point. There's no way she was wrong.

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