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The trio spent the rest of their vacation together. They did everything they could think to do. It was a blast for them all. They had so much fun they made plans to come back again next year. Perhaps this trip would be one of their family traditions. It was their last night in town and the only one Skylar was free for dinner. They were getting ready to leave when Emma suddenly stopped at the doorway. The entire day she had been feeling a little queasy but she paid it no mind. Now the nauseous feeling was too bold to ignore. She ran to the bathroom and threw up. Her stomach felt like an out of control ferris wheel. It must have been something she ate. Delilah and Cyn ran in behind her.

"Please don't look at me. Get out." Emma said before she started to puke again.

"Get over yourself." Delilah grabbed her hair and held it out of the way. "Is your stomach upset?"

Emma nodded and took the tissue Cyn handed her.

"Mommy sick?" Cyn asked.

"I think it was the sushi." Emma said before she started to gag again.

"I told you that place looked shady." Delilah reminded her. Her and Cyn opted for a better known restaurant for lunch.

"Well, thanks for that." Emma rolled her eyes.

"Just saying." Delilah mumbled.

"Mommy, you can't go to dinner like this." Cyn said.

"I'll call Skylar and cancel." Delilah said.

  "No." Emma said as she washed her hands and wiped her mouth. "You should go. I'll just stay here."

  "Yeah. I'll stay and take care of Mommy." Cyn said. She was sorry Em didn't feel well but she liked playing nurse to her girlfriends. She just liked taking care of them any way she could.

  "So... go... by myself?" Delilah asked.

  "Yeah. We'll be fine." Cyn said.

  "Are you sure? Because I can totally cancel and I'll just see her whenever." The brunette said anxiously. "I mean.. I want to make sure you're okay and the dinner isn't that big of a deal."

  "Go. I have Cyn. I'll be perfectly fine, babe." Emma said. She thought Delilah was being kind of weird. "If we need you, we'll call you. Now go. You're going to be late."

Delilah hesitated but she didn't really have a rebuttal. Plus, Cyn was physically pushing her towards the door. "Go, Daddy. I've got everything under control!"

"Okay. Okay. I love you." Delilah gave her a kiss. "Please please call me if she gets worse."

"Feels like you're doubting my abilities to take care of my girlfriend." Cyn said.

"What?! No." Delilah shook her head. "I swear I'm not. That wasn't-"

"Daddy! I was joking." Cyn giggled. "I love you too."

Delilah sighed and chuckled softly. "Okay." Again she hesitated before leaving. On the drive into the city, she contemplated within herself on why she really didn't want to leave them there. Of course Emma's health came first, but maybe it was something else. She laughed at their teasing, but Delilah realized she was, in fact, acting strange around Skylar. She didn't understand why. She had not seen her or spoken to the woman since she broke her heart so many years ago. Skylar moved away after she graduated. There was another woman. A new skirt to chase and she left Delilah with no more than a see you later. Yet, when Delilah saw her she felt fifteen again. The silly giggling and stammering over her words. It was awkward and she hated it. However, in the passing days, she paid it little to no mind. She was completely in love with Cyn and Emma. There was no space for feelings for this woman. This stranger. There couldn't be. She wanted a life with Cyn. She was engaged to Emma. They were all she needed in life. Delilah sighed and cleared her mind as she walked into the restaurant. The hostess showed her to the table that Skylar was already occupying. She stood when she saw the brunette beauty.

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