A Little Conversation

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  "I am sorry, Delilah." Emma said as they walked into their home. She had received the silent treatment the entire car ride. Em didn't understand how her disagreeing with her color choices was this big of a deal, but she didn't like seeing her girl upset either. She wanted to fix it. It just seemed like everything she said was the wrong thing. She could tell by Delilah's facial expressions alone. "How many times do you want me to say sorry?"

  "Until you mean it!" Delilah finally broke her silence.

  "Well how sorry do you actually want me to be for not liking the same colors as you? Stop being so childish." Emma spat.

  "Oh my god, Emma. It's not about the colors. You embarrassed me! Okay?" Delilah folded her arms. As silly as it sounded, her feelings were hurt. Emma chastised her and teased her in front of Dani and Halo. It made her feel bad.

  All the wind Emma had in her sails vanished. "Oh."

  "If you didn't like the colors that's fine but you didn't have to belittle me like that." Delilah looked away from her. She hated being so sensitive. She was never this person. This was all Emma and Cyn's fault. They made her a softy.

  Emma didn't even think about it like that. She was so used to arguing to get her point across and to win in the court room, she forgot to use some her sensitivity with one of the people that mattered the most. "Doll, I really am sorry. I know I did but I didn't mean to embarrass you or hurt your feelings. I was kind of a jerk and I apologize."

  "Kind of?" Delilah asked.

  Emma gave her a defeated look. "Baby."

  Delilah sighed. She knew her fiancé's apology was sincere. "Thank you and... I'm sorry too. I was being a stubborn brat."

  Emma chuckled. "Oh? I hadn't notice."

  "Those colors don't go together." Delilah giggled.

  Emma pulled her closer. "No. Not at all, but you know what does go together?"

  Delilah rolled her eyes. "Oh god, woman. You are insufferably corny."

  Emma laughed before kissing Delilah. "I will find more graceful ways to disagree with you."

  "And I will only expect to have my way ninety percent of the time instead of one hundred." Delilah smiled.

  "I can deal with that."

  "You know what you were getting yourself into when you put this ring on my finger." Delilah held it up as if Emma didn't know what it looked like.

  "I did and wouldn't trade you for the world." Emma gave her another kiss. "Brat and all."

  Delilah smiled and let herself rest against Emma. "Also, I wanted to talk to you about something."

  It seemed serious. Emma nodded and they sat on the couch together. "What's on your mind?"

  "Cyn." Delilah said.

  "What about her?" Emma asked.

  "I want to do something special for her. I know she doesn't want to be married but I'd like to give her something or do something that lets her know how serious we are about her. I haven't stopped thinking about that comment she made."

  Emma shrugged. "What comment?"

  "About having a baby with her." Delilah reminded her.

  "Oh yeah. That was super weird. What did you have in mind?"

"I don't know. I think rings are too close to marriage and would freak her out." Delilah said.

Emma nodded. "She really likes the bracelet that you gave her. Maybe we could give her bracelets."

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