Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

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Isabella was in the chair of Lucas's hotel room. She sat looking out of the window thinking about a vast assortment of things. Though, at the forefront of her mind was Lucas and his departure the next day. She was already missing him. A weekend was not nearly enough time. This is the part she hated about feelings. The longing and wanting. Waiting. Wondering. Missing. The itch that can only be soothed by a particular set of hands. She would have to get familiar with that sensation all over again and it bothered her so.

  She heard his wet footsteps splatter water across the floor. One way to leave Isabella vexed was to make an unnecessary mess. She was a tidy person and preferred everyone around her to be the same. Without turning away from the window she sighed and said as gently as she could, "Lucas, dear, do you want your Izzy to slip and fall?"

  "Of course not." He answered.

  "Then make use of the extra towels when you step out of the shower." She finally spun the chair around and found, just as she suspected, a trail of water following him from the bathroom to the spot he stood now. "Please. You're making a mess."

  Lucas looked down to see the puddle of water he was standing in. He offered an apologetic smile. "Sorry, babe." He took the towel from around his waist and started to dry the floor with it.

  Isabella started to look away. Should she be seeing this? His most private business on display like this. Was it on purpose? Was he trying to seduce her? Isabella wasn't even sure if this was going to be a sexual relationship. She remembered Delilah saying that not every little and caregiver dynamic involved sex. Well, he did want a kiss yesterday. And... and did he just her babe? Babe??

  "Izzy?" Lucas said softly. He noticed she wasn't listening to him. "Are you okay? You look a little zoned out.

  "You just called me babe." She said.

  "You don't want me to? I won't. I'm sorry." He apologized.

  She realized he was still completely nude. She couldn't stop her eyes from falling below his imaginary belt.

  Lucas blushed and covered himself.

  Isabella chuckled and looked into his eyes. "Don't apologize. I just didn't expect it."

  Lucas shrugged. "I thought I could."

  Isabella didn't see the problem with it other than it caught her off guard. "You may. It's fine."

  Lucas smiled. "You're so weird."

  "You're walking around naked but I'm the weird one?" She asked.

  "What's wrong? You don't like what you see?" He slicked back his wet curls and started to dramatically flex his muscles.

  Isabella rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Oh my god. Stop."

  Lucas kept flexing, getting closer and closer to her. "I know you want to see the guns up close and personal. Give them squeeze. Don't be scared."

  He was now close enough that Isabella could feel the body heat radiating from his skin. She was eye level with his belly button. She eyed him closely while internally contemplating her next move. It would only take a flick of her wrist to bring this poor boy to his knees in a matter of seconds. Isabella knew how to in so many ways. Through both pain and or pleasure. She simply smiled as he towered over her, nostrils flared and eyes hungrily peering down at her. "Lucas, baby, do you want Izzy to help you get dressed for bed? It's getting late and your flight is early. You need rest."

  He melted at the question. His shoulders relaxed and his eyes softened. "Yes please." In his every day life, Lucas was a man's man. He liked sports and chest bumps when his teamed scored. He liked working out and fast cars. Getting dirty and rough housing. Lucas laughed at the crude boyish jokes his friends made over bottles of beer. He enjoyed hunting and a bunch of other "guy stuff," but here with Isabella he was nothing but a baby boy that needed coddling.

  "Aw. I know." Isabella smirked victoriously and reached her hand out to grab his face. "Give Izzy smooches."

  He smiled widely and leaned down to kiss her cheek repeatedly. "I love smooches."

  "Me too." Isabella said as she stood. She opened his suitcase and went through his things. With all of her searching she couldn't find anything that resembled proper pajamas. "Lucas, what do you sleep in?"

  "My underwear." He said.

  "That's it?"

  He nodded. He thought that was what most people slept in. "Yes but I will wear whatever you want me to."

"I just don't want your narrow little butt to get chilly."

Lucas giggled. "You'll be here to keep me warm, right?"

  Isabella extracted a pair of the man's underpants and handed them to him. "You want me to spend the night? Here with you?" She asked.

  "Yes. If that's okay." He slid his underwear on and sat back down.

  "I didn't bring an overnight bag. I don't have any of my essentials."

  He shrugged. "What do you need to go to sleep?"

"My pajamas. My nightly and morning skin care routine. I don't have my shower things or a change of clothes for tomorrow." She listed.

  "Your skin is perfect. One night won't hurt. Then tomorrow you'll just have to do the walk of shame in your same clothes." He teased.

  "Walk of what?" Isabella asked.

  "Walk of shame. Ya know, when a girl unexpectedly spends the night with a guy. They get busy. Then the girl has to walk out the next day and everyone knows she's been naughty." He winked.

  "Where does the shame come in?" Isabella asked.

  "Because like... ya know. The girl gets wrecked and that's kind of the joke."

  Isabella didn't understand the punchline. "Just so we're clear, if anyone leaves this room "wrecked" it would be you, dear."

  Lucas bit his lip. "You won't get an argument out of me."

  Isabella laughed softly. "Unfortunately for you the only thing we'll be busy doing tonight is sleeping." 

  "You'll stay??" He asked excitedly.

  "I will."

  "Yay!" Lucas pulled her down onto the bed, squeezed her tight, and kissed her face until she started laughing.

  "Lucas, my sweet boy, you are very strong." She said trying to catch her breath.

  "Sorry, Iz." He let her go. Sometimes he didn't know his own strength. "You have such a beautiful smile."

  "Thank you." She gently caressed his face. That sweet face she was going to miss so much. "Well let's get ready for bed, little one."

  He smiled and nodded. "Yes ma'am."

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