Signed. Sealed... Delilah

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Cyn was at home with Jaxon. They were both cleaning and making sure everything was prepared for their family's arrival. Their other siblings and their parents were on the way. Cyn didn't seem the least bit worried. She had a normal enough relationship with her parents. They were loving caring people and they were proud of their youngest daughter. Jaxon on the other hand was stressed. He had put his parents through a lot of turmoil. Their relationship could be described as rocky at best. When he was using, Jaxon often guilted them into giving him money. The few times they said no, he resorted to stealing from them. They cut Jaxon off. They didn't speak to him at all. However, since he's been better, they've slowly tried to build a relationship with him. This would be the first time he's actually seen his parents in a few years, not to mention his siblings. When his parents cut him off, they did too. Everyone did, except Cyn.

"J, did you remember to get that cheese that dad likes?" Cyn asked.

Jaxon knew he did but his anxiety made him open the refrigerator just to check anyway. He grabbed it and held it in his hands so he was sure it was real. "Yes. Got it."

"Cool. Then everything is ready. They'll be here soon. Are you going to be okay?" She asked. She could see the worry in his eyes.

"Yeah. I think. I'm just nervous, ya know?"

"I know." Cyn grabbed her brother's hands. "It'll be okay! I swear. I'll be right here and if you just need a break, go to your room for a bit."

Jax nodded. "Are Em and Delilah coming?"

"No. I asked them not to. I figured we'd let everyone get reacquainted with each other again before adding them. Is Becca coming?"

"No. Same. I didn't want her to be around if things got sticky." Jaxon checked his hair in the mirror that hung in the hall. He made it a point to get a haircut and keep it nice and neat. He shaved and everything. He wanted to look as good as he's felt. He wanted them to be able to see the change he was so desperately hanging on to.

"Jax, you look great and I am so so so proud of you." Cyn hugged him and she felt him relax just a little before the doorbell rang. Then the tension came right back.

  "I'll get it." Jaxon walked away to the door. He wiped the palms of his sweaty hands against his pants before letting them in. His family was kind enough but he worried they wouldn't really forgive him for the hell he put them through.

  Cyn stayed at the counter. She figured he'd let everyone see him first. She heard her mom and dad. The twins, Ava and Harper, said hi at the exact same time. They were adults now and still couldn't break out of that habit of saying and doing everything together. Cyn always wondered if it was something they did on purpose just to fuck with everyone else or if they really couldn't help it. Knowing them, probably the former.

  Phoenix's big strong voice carried through the apartment as he greeted his younger brother. The only thing louder than his voice was his bright pink hair that fell into his eyes. He pulled Jaxon into a too tight embrace and squeezed him before grabbing his shoulders and looking him straight in the eyes. "How ya feeling, man? Strong? Good?"

  Jax nodded uncomfortably. Phoenix had the tendency to be too intense. Nothing had changed. "Yeah, Phoenix. I'm great."

  He rubbed Jaxon's arms a little too long and nodded before walking inside with everyone else.

  "Cynthia." Mr. Copes said. "How's my little girl? Come here."  He hugged his daughter and Cyn smiled.

  "Hi, Dad." She hugged her mom next. "Mom, how are you?"

  "We're lovely. So excited to see you." Madeline turned to Jaxon. "Both of you." She squeezed her youngest son's cheeks. "You look so good."  She gave him a warm and honest smile. She was genuinely happy to see him doing so well. His appearance was a far cry from the last time she saw him. Scruffy faced and so skinny, with her laptop shoved under his arm. He was half way out the window. She couldn't even move to stop him or say anything. She barely recognized him that night.

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