Super Nic

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Emma sat in her car as the phone rang. She waited for what felt like forever until someone answered. Though, it wasn't who she was expecting.

  "Hey, Em." Daniella answered. "Hold on."

  Emma heard some rumbling around and then Dani's shrill laughter before Miguel's gruff voice came across the phone. "Emma, what's up?"

  "Hey. I was calling to check if you found anything on Nicholas?"

  "Eh. Your brother?"

  "Mhm." Emma hummed curtly. She didn't have a brother. This man was not her brother. He was a stranger.

"Nope. Nothing. He's squeaky clean. My search on you had more shit in it than his." Miguel replied.

"That's- ...Your search on me!?" Emma asked. "You did a profile on me??" She asked only slightly offended. It was Miguel after all.

"Duh." He answered simply.

"What do you mean duh? You've known me since I was like twelve. What did you need to look up?" Emma asked. "Does Delilah know you did that?" Now Emma completely understood why this bothered Cyn so much. It felt like a violation.

"Of course not and you better not tell her. She's still a little pissed about Cynthia's. I was just curious. Don't feel bad. I do it to all of my closet friends."

Emma sighed. "Whatever. So there was nothing on him?"

"Not even a parking ticket. Which, may I add, you really should pay yours Miss Evans."

Emma rolled her eyes. "Shut up! Bye, Miguel. Thanks."

"No problem."

They ended the call and Emma went inside the restaurant. She was late, so of course she would run right into her sister who was also running behind. As always.

"What's your excuse?" Rebecca asked.

  "I didn't want to come." Emma answered flatly. "Let's get this over with." She opened the door and they walked inside. The hostess showed them to the private dining area that's usually saved for parties or larger groups, but of course her father would reserve it for five people. Emma was already over this evening. She looked at her watch and silently prayed they could wrap this up before Delilah put Cyn to bed. She didn't usually have a bedtime per se but she could tell how small Cyn was feeling and she would most definitely need a bed time routine tonight. One that Emma was going to miss. She cursed internally. When her and Rebecca arrived to the table she saw him. Nicholas. He stood along with their father to greet them.

"I was starting to think I was being stood up." Nicholas tried to joke with his new would be sisters. There was no maybe about it. This was his family. He saw their faces when he looked in the mirror. He had Paul's solid stature. A smile like Meredith. Emma's eyes were his. Emma's hair. Emma's.. everything. He actually couldn't stop staring at her. He wanted to cry.

Abandonment issues. Great. Emma smiled politely as she could and offered her hand to shake. He took it quickly. "I'm Emma."

"I know. I've heard so much about you already. You must be Rebecca." He shook her hand as well. His little sisters. He could already sense their hesitation. He understood, but it still made him sad. He wished they were as excited about meeting him as he was about meeting them. They all sat down into an unsettling silence. The clanking of silverware by the other dinner guests in the restaurant filled the air.

"We've spent the entire day with Nicholas and I have to say I think you girls will get along with him famously." Meredith chirped. She still couldn't believe the baby boy she gave up so long ago was sitting at the same dinner table as her. It was a miracle. Their second chance.

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