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When Off arrived at his suite, it was already dark with dinner served on top of the table, most probably cooked by the Michelin star chefs. His suite was cleaned and tidied, washed laundry neatly folded and placed on top of his bed. It was the perk of being a son of the Empire hotel's owner. Like a businessman, his father had given Off one of the hotel's suites as a place to stay to compensate for his parent's busy life since his mother usually tagged along with his father for any business meeting and helped him regarding financial issues. Because of this, Off rarely met them unless during Christmas or family gatherings. He wouldn't blame them. Especially when he was gifted with white Porsche and a couple of servants to do his house chores.

Most of the time, Off usually spent his precious time alone in his own suite, watching movies or playing pools. However, tonight Off is not alone. After Tay ditched him for his assignment, Arm was nowhere to be found, he had decided to at least spend his time with a companion. Their meeting at the club was short and he had invited her to his place for a quieter place. At some point, it escalated very quickly and they both started making out. Two wine glasses stood tall on the antique table, one was already emptied and another was half-filled. The latest Hollywood movie projected on the wide screen was left unwatched.

Hands were roaming all over her body as she fixed her posture and sat on top of him. Off pushed away hair from her face and slid his hand around her neck, pulling her head down and licking at her lip before kissing her again. They both passionately returned the heavy kiss, only sounds of heavy moans could be heard. He slipped his hand under her shirt and about to pull at her bra, suddenly, the doorbell was heard. The bell was punched multiple times, ringing non-stop.

It was enough to irk Off. They both stopped from whatever they were doing and looked at the door. Off huffed, "Who the hell is that?" He got off the couch and made his way towards the door. Fingers ran through hair, combing backwards and the shirt was tucked in his pants properly.

Once the door opened, an unknown girl was standing in front of him. Wearing a short skirt definitely managed to grab his attention fully and his eyes lingered over the curves of her body for more than a minute before he finally took a proper look at her face. He's a man after all, it's not wrong. The girl is pretty, Off would give her score 7 out of 10 as his type.

"May I help you?" He smiled. He turned for a second, looking behind his shoulder and saw the girl earlier was not paying him attention. After that he returned his gaze at the pretty girl in front of him again and within seconds, the smiling face turned furious.

"You jerk! I can't believe you cheat on me!" She slapped his face hard, making him really surprised by what happened.

"What the-? I didn't know you at all. What are you talking about?" Off was already pissed, touching his cheek which he could sense it must have become red as it stings a lot when he touched it.

"You said you won't cheat on me. This is the third time you did this! How could you?" She cried louder that made Off panicked. He doesn't know what to do as she suddenly cried out aloud, saying nonsense stuff. Then, things started getting out of hand as the girl he made out earlier started coming towards him.

"I thought you're not in a relationship? Were you lying?" She crossed her arm after tugging along the pink purse in her hand.

"I am-No, I mean I am not in a relationship. She's crazy. I didn't know her" He tried his best to explain the situation. However, it's not really helping with all the screaming and crying from both girls.

"I'm leaving!" She pushed him away and walked out from his place. Then, once the girl was already out of their sight, the pretty girl stopped crying and smiled.

"Who the hell are you exactly? I don't fucking know you at all?" Off cursed.

"I'm sorry. I'm just doing my job. This is for you" The girl passed him a piece of paper and walked away.

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