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Off plopped himself on the court, lying on his back against the floor mat as soon as the referee whistled. He let go of the badminton racket and sighed. His chest heaving up and down. Adrenaline rushing widely in his blood. He was about to close his eyes then before a dark shadow looming over him. Tay had his huge grin on his face, splitting his face, white teeth flashing.

“Shit, close your mouth. Your teeth are going to blind me at this state” Off rolled his eyes. Tay only laughed at this, didn’t even bother to hide the victorious grin after winning a one-on-one game with Off. Bastard.

“And for the record, you won this time because I rarely spend the time playing badminton now, alright” he glared at his friend as Tay took a seat next to Off. 

“Whatever keeps you sleep at night, Peng”

Off yelped when he felt something cold pressed at his cheek. Off narrowed at his eye at the cackling Tay next to him. His lips curled at the happy expression, chuckling lightly. He doesn’t know how Tay does it but damn, that laugh is contagious. Pushing himself up on his elbow, Off sat up straight and said thanks, chugging the cold water down his throat. 

“Anyway, you’re free next weekend?” Tay looked at him.

“Why? You want to introduce me to your girlfriend?” Off wiggled his eyebrows.

“I wish I had one but I don’t” His friend coughed into his palm, fingers scratching at the back of his neck. Face looking weirdly flustered at the sudden topic, cheeks appearing slightly red. Off knitted his eyebrows.

“Anyway, I just wanted to invite you to come and celebrate my grandmother’s birthday next weekend. Just a small event. Nothing big. Only family and close friends invited” Tay pulled out his awkward grin, the one appears when he’s acting as if nothing’s wrong. Off would like to differ otherwise though. He let this one pass this time.

“Yeah, sure. I don’t have anything planned so far. I’ll tell Gun about it” Off nodded his head and reached out for his shoelaces. 

“So, you guys are serious, huh” Tay asked.

Off lifted his face from his training shoes and blinked. Fingers stilled there for a moment. Off thought about an appropriate response. But didn’t manage to make out a word because, honestly, they never really talk about this. All they’ve done in these past weeks were making out and fight over stupid little things, except talking about them. Looping the shoelaces tightly on his feet, Off opened his mouth to speak.


“Off!” a shout from across the court stopped him.

And there was Gun, looking impossibly perfect in Offs baggy shirt and short hanging above his knees, matched with Nike training shoes. Pluem was there next to Gun, hair wet from sweat from the game earlier. The smaller guy grinned at him, hand waving the badminton racket in the midst of air. There were flutters swirling inside his stomach. His breath stuttered. Warmth filling his inside to the brink that sent Off grinning back at him, waving his hand.

“Yeah. I think we are, Peng” Off replied back. Smile never fades from his lips.


But it's only what he thinks.

What Gun thinks, however, Off wasn't sure.

To understand Gun Atthaphan, one must understand the image he's trying to depict himself first.

Even though they had a fair share of difference, Off wouldn't deny that they're also similar in different ways like how they seek pleasure from people's obsession with them and how they soar at the tragedy of someone else. However, Off forgot that sometimes Gun prefers to play pretend. He enjoys laughing behind people's back as he molds into his goody two shoes. He prefers to play safe than taking a risk. While Off on the other hand, much preferred saying meaner things face to face. 

Gun always needs his mask to face other people. Especially when it involves his father. 

Between hollow laughs and white suits, Off was feeling slightly lost in his black attire, sticking out like a sore thumb in this throng of pretentious  people. Off watched as Gun’s eyes widened in surprise when he spotted his boyfriend at the entrance. From this distance, Off can see Gun’s father threw an eyebrow at his appearance. Face expressionless and looking completely unimpressed. Gun said a few pointed words to his father, face eased in a smile like he always does, before excusing himself to stride over to Off.

“What are you doing here? You weren't invited” was the sentence that Gun managed as he pulled Off to the side, hiding them from curious gaze. Off lips fell at the unwelcoming tone.

“To accompany you, of course. That’s what a boyfriend does, isn’t it?” said Off, fingers threading over Gun’s. But the other guy was pulling away. Creating a much bigger distance between them, especially when a waiter or anyone walked past them. The younger guy seemed jittery on his feet as he kept looking over his shoulder, hand kept in his pocket.

“Do you want to tell me why you didn't invite me in the first place?” Off spoke, tried not to sound hurt. He licked at his dry lips as he waited. Gun was not looking at him. He is also far from his reach, arms folded on his chest, seemingly guarded up. Why, Off wasn’t sure.

“My father doesn’t have a clue about us, Off” Gun twisted his lips to the side.


“I still haven’t figured out when to tell him or how to tell him. So, can we just be friends for tonight? Please” Gun looked at him with his shining eyes. Only this time, there’s a hint of guilt and cloud of expectant visible. Off felt something in his stomach lurched.

He bit his cheek and pulled the tip of his mouth, “I. Yeah. Sure” 

“Thanks” Gun smiled. He smiled back feebly.

Off was about to envelope him in a kiss but Oab suddenly appeared in his vision. A charming smile tugging at his lips when he came and greeted Gun with a hug. His boyfriend welcomed the hug with a wide stretch of smile, pulling away with eyes gleaming in joy. A complete stark contrast from what Off received earlier. Off blinked. He ignored the throbbing pain on his chest. Uncomfortable. Fear closing up in his dry throat. 

“Hey, Off. Great to see you” Oab gave a pat on his shoulder. Off forced a smile on his face.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you guys but your father asked for you to talk about the speech” Oab began, face looking unmistakably guilty for interrupting them.

“Okay” Gun smiled at Oab and faced Off again with an apologetic expression.

“I’ll talk to you later, okay” Off didn’t trust his voice so he nodded, fingernail digging in skin. He can do nothing except plastering a bitter smile on his face to nod in understanding. Because that’s all he can afford to be right now. A friend. Just a friend.

Sparing Off a last glance behind him, Gun strided off with Oab next to him. He tried very hard not to notice the arms clinging to each other as they whispered to each other. Off looked away. He swiped a palm over his face frustratingly, trying to calm his nerves. He’s probably going to need alcohol to survive for tonight.

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