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“So, I heard that you’ve got interrogated with Gun’s father last Sunday” Arm started, sitting next to him. Off snapped his eyes opened and narrowed his eyes at Arm.

“God, please don’t remind me” Off scowled, pulling a towel to wipe the sweat off his face down to his neck and pay attention to the court, right on time to watch Pluem give a loud smash and sending Tay rolling around on the floor to strike back, fast on his feet and the shuttlecock was back on Pluem’s side.

Last weekend was awful with him date- less, sober to the last of his nerve and instead of being thanked for donating the whole fifty freaking grand, Off was blessed with Gun’s father presence the whole night, asking him endless questions about his relationship with Gun.

Thus, it was until midnight that Off finally managed to assure Gun’s father that they are just friends and he has no ill-intention whatsoever with his golden child, only intended to support the donation. The old man was all smiles after that and patted him on the shoulders not too gently. Off, though, had taken note of the tight grip on his shoulder as a warning from Gun’s father on not to play his son. Off snickered to himself, the old man doesn’t know what Gun has gotten himself into.

“What’s your deal with Gun anyway?” 

“Nothing much” Off quipped unhelpfully. Arm turned his eyes into slits at this. But him being more thirsty is more important, so Off chugged the water bottle hungrily, swiping the corner of his mouth as he gulped down.

“Before Tay finished his game, you better spill it” Arm turned, arms crossing on his chest and Off groaned in annoyance.

“Alice said she heard you guys were talking about betting on something last time in the library. What are you guys betting on?” Off rolled his eyes and ruffled his messy hair. Alice really needs to stop butting into his life for one second and stop reporting everything to Arm.

“Right, if she said that we’re fucking, you’ve would probably believe as her as well, right?”Off sniggered rudely.

It was meant as a joke but Arm’s face was telling him to knock off the sarcasm and tell him the truth. Off clamped shut his mouth, silently praying that maybe if he shuts up, Arm will drop the topic. Off turned his attention to the game back again and shout at Tay to stop fucking around and start smashing at Pluem’s ass like a real man . In return, Pluem gave him a finger, of course not before flicking his wrist and swinging his racket like a badass pro, smacking Tay flat on his face with the shuttlecock. 

The referee flipped the card, reading a score of 18-15.

“Come on. Tell me or I ask Gun myself” Arm threatened him, taking out his phone from his bag. Okay, shutting up doesn’t work then. If his mom nagging is awful, then Arm’s is even worse. The guy is so damn persistent in getting what he wants and would probably annoy the hell out of him until the middle of the night to strangle answers out of his mouth.

Sighing heavily, Off snatched the phone from Arm’s hand and glared. “God, you’re so annoying. Yes. We’re betting—it’s not really a bet. Just a dare I proposed to him. Happy now?”

“What’s the dare?”

“To man up and confess to Oab. He'll win if Oab accepts him but if Oab doesn't, he needs to drop his crush” his feet tapped against the floor insistently. 

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