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It was his second date with Fern tonight.

A phantom of the opera was playing in the theatre tonight. The hall was full. They had taken a seat at one of the balconies on the highest platform. It was a bit far to see the play, still, it was better in privacy and far from noises. The girl next to him giggled softly behind her palm, laughing along with the audience at the silly joke spouted from one of their characters.

Off drew his eyebrow at this, slightly annoyed because he felt like he’s missing out. Confused because he didn’t find it funny. At this moment, Off wandered to a certain someone, thinking if Gun is interested in theatre. Wondering if Gun would laugh with his eyes sparkling in joy, or would he cry with the audience, or would he leans against Off with arms curls around Off—

“P’Off, did you hear what I said?” the girl touched him on his kneecap. Off quickly gathered back his senses and turned to his left. Fern was looking back at him puzzlingly. Brown eyes gazed at him for a long moment.

“I heard from Gun that you lived in a hotel suite. I asked if you could give me a tour of your suite. Can I?” Fern spoke, lips a couple of inches away from his. It smells like a strawberry. The hand which was resting on his kneecap has now slipped further up to his thigh, sending tremors in him. 

“I didn’t know that you guys are on speaking terms” Off found his ears perked at the mention of Gun’s name.

“We don’t, but somehow your name came up and” She came closer then, leaving only inches for a gap so they would be sharing breath, “...he seemed very territorial over you which makes me extremely curious of what you had offered him”

Off blinked once, twice as he started to get the hint where this is going. A faint smile crept in. So, the prim and proper image is just an illusion after all. Now this is interesting. “What makes you think I’m going to betray Gun for you?” Fern has his full attention now as Off turned to face her.

“Because I have something to offer that Gun doesn’t” Fern leaned into him, “Virginity”

Off can’t help but smile at the turn out event. Gun did mention that Fern is a manipulative bitch, but he didn’t know that she was this interesting. Despite how it is, he's going to enjoy himself for a moment. Pulling up his flirty smile, Off took her hand in his and made sure that he gave her a soft gaze,

“If you think pissing Gun off is the key to win me, you are so damn right” he finished off with a smirk.

Off has never considered him as someone as a gentleman. In fact, there are multiple occasions he realized that he’s far from it. So, he didn’t think much when there’s an invitation for a platter of dinner served to him across the table. Whenever he has the chance, he will jump on it. Fast.

Gazing hard at her lips, Off grazed his fingers along her arm. It took only a heartbeat for the girl to close her eyes and that was his queue. With a dramatic music pumping through the theatre behind them, signaling the climax, Off grabbed the girl’s face in his palms and sealed their lips. It was gentle, tongue-free and innocent. The perfect equation to make his lovers consider him as a gentle lover.

It seals the deal as always.

By the time they were back in his suite, all of their clothes were shed off. Both of them naked from head to toes as the girl yanked at his arm with Off climbing on top of her. It was hot. Sweaty. The girl tasted like cheap lipstick and salad they ate from the restaurant earlier and smells like an expensive flowery perfume. Off noticed that she smells nothing like Gun who always has a spicy and sweet scent on him. It wasn’t particularly bad, just different.

Between grinding and groaning, Off found himself being interrupted at the thought of glassy eyes, so he distracted himself with the supple breasts in front of him. He groped and pulled at the nipples as he dry hump his half-hard erection against her. Mouth attached to each other, kissing along the rim as tongue probed at the entrance.

But her lips were chapped, not plump. And the erotic sounds echoing in his room was a shrill voice of a girl. A girl he’s not familiar with. A girl he knows nothing about and Off can’t focus because she reeks of sweet perfume and his mind can’t stop reeling the night with Gun whining under him. Moaning. Cheeks dusted in pink. Heavy breathing resonated in every corner of the room. Hazy glassy eyes staring at him, flushed skin and warmth—warmth spilling all over him.

“Fuck, I can’t do this” Off finally pushed himself out of the bed.

Grabbing the robe from his wardrobe, he  covered his bare body and tied it around himself. Hands roughly running through his hairs, messing and pulling it in irritation. His blood was pumping in his body along with his heart beating loudly in his eardrum. Cock throbbing under his robe. Everything else was working perfectly except for his brain.

He needs a drink. Walking to the mini bar in the corner of the room, Off pulled out a tequila and poured it in a glass. He hissed as soon as the alcohol burned in his throat. It felt satisfying and relieved that he poured himself another glass and dunked it one-shot. 

Off faced the bed as soon as he remembered his company for tonight, twirling the drink in his glass as his brain processed on what to say. He could tell it was awkward for Fern as she kept fiddling her fingers, waiting for Off to come to bed. 

Likewise, he’s not really a gentleman. He’s a jerk so he started with “Look, I’m not in the mood. Do me a favour and find yourself the exit” with that Off turned away from her.

“Excuse me?” She sounded confused, also, a hell lot offended. Her voice was in high tone, disbelieved. He can definitely picture her digging her nails on the comforter, stretching and tearing the fabric apart under her long nails. He shook his head. Pity.

“You heard me. Leave” Off repeated with indifferent expression this time. Unsympathetic. Sharp eyes narrowed at the girl on the bed. There were sniffles under her palm and Off rolled his eyes at this. Great, now she’s using the tears weapon. That’s the last thing he wanted to handle right now. He should have followed his guts and avoided this girl, sipping his drink.

“Jerk” she spat when she saw no effort in him to console her. The girl stepped out from the bed and grabbed her things. She left him in exasperation. And with a loud slam of the door which he’s pretty sure cracked the wall. Off sighed heavily.

Looks like it’s going to be another night for Off and his left hand.

Spotted: Off Jumpol was seen shoving his tongue down Fern’s throat tonight, the next successor for K Corporation. They were seen heading to Empire Hotel after spending their quality time in a theatre which was owned by Fern’s family. It was a surprise to see them locking lips considering how she was also known as Gun Atthaphan’s all time enemy.  With news of Off Jumpol becoming the next heir floating around, it seemed that he already chose his partner. Let’s just hope the feud between Off and Gun doesn’t turn any worse.

Always true, Aristocratz

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