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The night goes painstakingly slow for Off’s liking and he was extremely sober no matter how many drinks he chugged down his throat. He was on his fifth drink when Tay slid into the seat next to him, laughing loudly with a palm over his mouth as if trying to cover his laugh. Off just can say that Tay failed miserably as his friend clutched on his stomach, laughing over some joke that Lee just told him. He had his eyes fixated on Gun the whole night. He looks undeniably mesmerizing tonight somehow. However, the smaller guy doesn’t seem to be aware of the heavy gaze on him as he was occupied in a conversation with Joss and Alice, smiling as always, eyes crinkling at the sides, showing a glimpse of white teeth.

Suddenly, a waiter came up to them and handed him a note. “Tay Tawan?” the waiter asked him. Off thinks for a second, looking over his friend who’s busy laughing at god probably knows what, before he nodded his head. Off took the note and drew his eyebrow as he reads, it has New written on the note. Who is New? Slowly, he unfolded the note but before he could even read anything though, Tay had snatched it from his hand.

“I believe this is mine, thank you very much” Tay winked at him and dashed out of the room. Off could only shake his head and sipped his drink.

It was fifteen minutes after midnight that Arm had decided to play truth or dare to conclude his party, with the remaining people which are mostly his circle of friends. Tay had returned to the room earlier with the brightest smile Off had ever seen. He took a mental note to ask Tay later and paid attention to Arm and Alice who were explaining the rules of the game. On the other side of the room, Gun was wearing a straight face, appeared wearied and tired despite winning the best dressed of the night. Unlike Gun, Oab has a smile on his face with his girlfriend sitting on his lap. Off rolled his eyes at this.

The games went on for almost two hours and it has become crazier than ever. Joss had admitted that he had made out with Singto once in a library, Tay had his chopped hair shorter than he probably should (it looked okay despite cutting his hair without looking at a mirror), Krist had his three holes on his shirt, showing his nipples and belly button thanks to Oab, Alice confessed that she once stole lingerie from a department store. Gun also was not excused, looking sick after choosing dare and drank five bottles of beer in five minutes. While Off on the other hand, has decided to choose truth and revealed that he had fingered his english tutor while his mom was cooking in the kitchen. Off only shrugged his shoulders when he got judging stares from his friends.

He watched in grimace as Arm hesitantly took a bowl of mixture of soy sauce, sesame oil, fish oil, mustard, coca-cola and sriracha sauce and drank it. Off went blanched at this. Others were laughing gleefully as soon as he placed back the bowl and rushed to the toilet. Yep, it would probably taste like feet and spicy like hell.

“Guys, we’ve been playing for hours. Let’s call it quits and go back home.” Krist whined, tired written all over his face.

“Agree. I’m too wasted. I need to sleep” Gun rubbing his half-lidded eyes, unknowingly smudged kohl over his cheeks a bit.

“Let’s play one last game before we wrap up. What do you say?” Arm said and rested his chin on Alice’s shoulder as she caressed his face. The guy pulled her close and tightened his arms around her waist.

“Sure. I wouldn’t mind” Off clucked his tongue and put out a burned cigarette between his fingers. He got nothing to do back at home anyway except for staring at his wall.

“Oab?” Arm asked.

“Of course” Oab answered who is now sitting next to Gun. His girlfriend had already gone back because she has an early meeting with her parents the next day, leaving him alone.

For the last round, Arm got up and explained that he will pick two pieces of paper from a box he specially made earlier which has their name on it and two names who were called out have to do the dare. Off nodded in understanding as he whirled his glass around. But then he scrunched his eyebrow when he saw Tay made a suspicious face at Alice, nudging at Gun and Oab(?). Huh, weird.

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