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“Going once”

“Going twice”

“We have a winner”

Sound of a hammer echoed in the hall with people clapping for the person who offered for the highest bid. Joss was standing on the stage and hugged the girl who was bidding for him earlier as she squealed happily after realizing she won a date with Joss for a day. There were cameras flashing left and right, capturing every single moment to be published into the next issue for Vogue. Gun’s father was all smiles, sitting next to his partner of the night, occasionally leaning to whisper with a possessive arm around her waist. Gun who was sitting on his other side doesn’t look pleased at this, though, mouth kept mum and paid attention to the stage instead.

Tay on the other hand, had left his chair empty for half an hour now after Off saw him talking with a waiter earlier, while Arm and Alice didn't fail to be lovey dovey across him and Off had grudgingly wished they went missing instead. The tag bachelor with Arm’s name written on is now pinned on Alice’s dress. He doesn’t know why Arm even bothered to enter the bachelor auction when Alice would be the only one bidding him. He doubts anyone would even have the guts to try to hit on Arm since it’s widely known they are going to engage each other once they finish their bachelor studies. They had been disgustingly kissing on the stage too, drawing out awe from the audience and Off face-palmed himself.

Since they are close with Gun, his father had secured them a table in front near the stage with VIP placard on top of it, each name embossed across the linen card in cursive writing. The auction resumed with clamouring from the crowd as the spokesperson was getting ready for the next auction, taking out paper to read the next person’s name. Off watched Joss walk the girl back to her seat like a gentleman and turn back to his table, giving a high five to Krist who was loudly laughing and clapping like a seal. Bunch of kids.

“Let’s welcome, the man of the night, Gun Atthaphan”

The crowd hollered and clapped loudly as Gun got up from his chair and climbed up at the stage  appeared next to the spokesperson, standing in the middle of the stage with a bright smile. Gun swept his fringe to the left, a smile splitting in his face. Off took in the apparent glossy lips down to exposed neckline, pants tight wrapped along his legs. Whoever styled him today should have given a raise because Off swore Gun looks gorgeous hundred times better than normal days. And Off didn’t mind at all to stare at him the whole day.

“You may start bidding,” The spokesperson said.

The bidding unexpectedly began with big numbers. Probably because Gun was quite well known among the community. It could be said that Off recognized most of the bidders as most of them were known either as Gun’s admirers or his coursemates. He can see a guy dressed in checkered put up a bid, making the girl next to their table scowled openly as she failed to score a date with Gun. Arm also joined the bidding and earning chuckles from Gun, rolling his eyes playfully.

“1,000 dollar”

A loud voice struck through the hall. People were astonished by the guy who was confidently holding up his hand with a smug smile on his face. Gun ,though, doesn’t look impressed. Lips tightly pressed in a thin line. Off cannot help but to feel curious so he turned around and scoffed in realization. It was the guy with Gun earlier. Narapat Sakunsong in his glory, arrogant smile gracing his lips, looking as if he already won a trophy. Off almost snorted out loud.

Suddenly, his lips curled as a thought crept in his mind.

“5,000” Off raised his hand.

“P’Off, what are you doing?” Pat, who has been sitting next to him, threw him a glare. Off didn’t bother to answer her. Arm and Alice were making faces at each other and Gun looked surprised and a little relieved at his sudden antic. Tay, who suddenly showed up a minute earlier, almost spit out his drink and gave Off a weird look, clueless and speechless at the same time.

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