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*Mature content ahead

“Is this like one of your moves on how to get your lovers to sleep with you?”

“What move?” Off asked with a nonchalant expression, eyeing Gun under his menacing gaze as he dragged Gun’s drunken ass to the living room. God, the guy’s heavier than he appeared.

“You know what I’m talking about. Sweet-talk them, get them drunk, bring them home, change their clothes,  and the next thing you know, they’ll ask you to fuck them” Gun was grinning this time with eyes crinkling in mischief. Off had heard a lot of nonsense spouted from Gun’s mouth during their childish petty fights before, but this one hit him harder. It was partly true, still, it hurts.

Gun is drunk, he shouldn’t have cared or even bothered to listen. But the curl of his grip on Gun’s waist tightened and Off found his expression hardened this time. Jaws clenched because the statement actually stings. And it’s pissing him off. He tried not to let it get to him and dropped Gun on his couch not too gently. Gun whined when his head hit the armrest.

“I think you’re still drunk. I’ll get you water” Off said and swung his legs, trying to escape from Gun and cools himself. Slender fingers circled on his wrist, stopping him before he could go further.

“Come on, show me. Show me your big move on how you seduce them” Gun mumbled, standing up to block Off, wobbly on his feet. Off took note of the cheeky smile on Gun’s face. The one appears whenever he is feeling mischievous and wants to play around. Usually, Off would find amusement at the sight of crinkling eyes but all he felt was anger vibrating in his blood. 

“I thought you wanted me. You won. You have me now” Gun raised his chin and looked up, grabbing at Off’s collar. It was a miracle that the guy still hadn't fallen on his face. 

“You’re pissing me off, Gun. Let go” Off snarled, prying the smaller hands on him. Because Off is not in the mood to mess around now and Gun’s pulling at his shirt is making him lose his patience.

“Come on” Gun urged. Off gritted his teeth.

"Show me"

A dangerous glint sparkle then.

“Try not to regret this” 

There was a whooping swish in Gun’s stomach as soon as Off leaned in and before he could even open his mouth to retort, Off got a hand behind his neck and smashed their mouth together. Gun managed to grip at the other’s waist, eyes closing involuntarily at the hard pressed of lips. The clash hurts. It was all tongue and teeth, nothing gentle and so different from their previous kiss.

Gun made a sound of pain when Off tugged on his lower lips, hands firm around the back of his neck. Gun seemingly tried to catch his breath but Off wouldn’t let him, gripping on his shirt with their chest rubbed against each other, leaving no space to breath. Fisting hands on Off’s hair, Gun tugged it harshly, hard enough for Off to let go and whimpering at prickles of pleasure burned in his nerves.

“You, brat ” A growl released as both of them took a breath. Anger pulsing in him. Gun was smirking in victory and Off wanted nothing more than to wipe it off his face so he didn’t waste any minute. Grabbing Gun’s arm, he dragged the barely sober guy straight to the bed and shoved Gun on the bed, crushing him with his weight.

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