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The next Thursday, Gun found himself between two pages of a half-written essay and two cups of americano, emptied. It's almost three hours since he spent his time in the library and he was already exhausted. His fingers attentively massage his temple, head began spinning around with all these scattering books. He chin up and puffed his cheeks, squinted his eyes as he took a look at Tay who was sitting at the end of the table, currently sleeping with his mouth hanging open, arms propped on the table and a book opened as a failed barricade because Gun could see him sleeping from here and eww is that saliva trickling down his chin (?).

Next to Tay, Arm and Alice have been whispering in each other's ears for the last hours and sometimes tickling each other under the table and maybe Gun should get up and give them some space because Arm was giving Alice that heart eyes again and when Alice giggled like a highschool girl, hushed behind her palm, it never meant anything good. And nope , Gun doesn't want to know what goes under the table. Putting down his pen from his grasp, Gun stood up from his seat, stretching his arms a little bit and decided to take a brief walk around the library.

He dragged his legs and swayed his hands lightly, sighing in relief. Walking through the racks of books arranged alphabetically, he skimmed through the title on the book spine and pulled out one that caught his interest. But he halted for a second as soon as he noticed Oab was leisurely studying alone at the corner, earphones in his ears. His table was five tables behind Gun's. His mind drifted off, thinking about the bet between him and Off.

Confessing to Oab has never crossed in his mind at all until Off suggested. His heart beats at this, feeling half-excited and half-worried at the same time. Anxious and nervousness wounded up together. Because he has been satisfied with his one-sided love all these time, secretly glancing and caring for Oab from afar, but it also would have been a lie to say that he had never dreamt of Oab returning his love in the same way. It was nice, but too good to be true. Gun pouted, ruffling his already messy hair, silently wondering if he should just back out.

No. That would mean he has to give himself up to Off Jumpol. That bastard. He needs to focus on winning this bet and get ready to put up his middle finger to Off's handsome face-he meant Off's stupid face. He was glad Off agreed on not telling anybody about this bet or Gun is sure that Tay will nag him for the next three months for agreeing on this bet and Arm probably won't let him live it down either.

"What are you looking at?"

A pair of lips slightly brushed his ear, tickling him in a sudden. Gun quickly covered his ear, turning around and saw Off was standing behind him.

"What the hell" Gun squeaked a bit too loudly.

People were glaring and shushing him at the loud noise. Gun replied with a nod, rolling his eyes but then Oab caught his eyes. The guy happily waved at him. Gun opened his mouth only to close it awkwardly and grinned, waving back at him before he turned to disappear behind the bookshelves and glared at the culprit who was wearing his infamous smirk.

"What are you doing here?" Gun hissed in a low voice. Their faces are two inches apart and Off is too close. It made shift in his spot, uncomfortable with the heavy stare on his face. Gun touched at his ear tip, body temperature getting high as he recalled Off's lips touching his ear earlier.

"Watching you hopelessly stalking your crush. You know, this can be a nasty obsession if you keep on stalking him right?" Off mocked him, eyebrows raised. He is wearing a buttoned up shirt today paired with a blue jacket on the outside, sleeves neatly rolled showing his arms. His hair was styled up showing his two annoying eyebrows. Damn, if only he has a shaver he would have shaved those two eyebrows clean.

"Shut up" Gun shoved him away.

"Have you decided yet when are you going to confess? I can give suggestions if you're desperate" Off did back away for a moment, only to stubbornly lean closer towards Gun. He hid his amusement when Gun threw him a scowl accompanied with a jutted lips.

"How generous. I'm not interested to hear it though. Just keep it to yourself" Gun brought the book to his chest and walked away from him. Instead of leaving him alone, Off decided to annoy him by walking side by side and purposely bumping their shoulders, testing Gun's patience.

"It's almost a week and I didn't see any actions from you to confess. Time is ticking, Gun" Off clicking his finger on his watch.

"You never said it has a due date. Stop rushing me" Gun arrived at his table.

Putting down the thick book, he pulled out a chair before sitting down with a huff. The taller guy quirked his lips and casually sat on the table, facing Gun who was busy flipping his book and picked up a pen. Off snatched the pen from him and Gun was about to throw a fit but restrained himself when he remembered that he's in a library so Gun just folded his arms and watched Off throw a pen towards a sleepy Tay. A muffled groan lets out from the other guy as it knocks him on the head. Tay only gave Off a finger before he continued his nap.

Snickering, Off turned his attention to Gun again, "Look, I'm not going to waste my time by waiting for you to grow your balls and confess. I'm giving you time until next Sunday. If not, I'm going to take it as you lose. Well, confess or not, I'm still going to win" Off quipped intelligently, clicking his tongue and resting his hand behind him only to knock down a pile of books on the desk and realized a white with light pinkish petal poking out of the book.

Actually, now that Off took a proper look on the desk, there are few books that have white petals in them. Glancing at Gun who was not paying him any attention, Off brought one of the books closer and opened the page, revealing a white petal of lily flower. It has turned slightly yellowish and seemed like it was plucked almost weeks ago. Almost similar with the lilies he bought for Gun when he visited him a few weeks ago.

"This-" Off spoke as he picked up the petal, keenly gazing at it before meeting Gun's eyes. The smaller guy was startled as he noticed this. Quickly, he snatched it and kept it inside the book, setting it on his side.

"Why didn't you use a real bookmark instead?" Off questioned him, grinning wide as if he had Gun's dark secret.

"It is such a waste after that someone throws it on the floor so I kept it as my bookmark" Gun kept his face straight and fixed his eyes on the book. His hand has been flipping through the pages for more than two minutes now and Off can imagine Gun blushing behind the book he was holding right now.

"Wow, this is a surprise. I don't see you as someone who knows how to appreciate" He teased, tone cheerful and out of spite. Gun was about to reply, however Off moved closer toward his face and looked at him.

"But don't think I'm going to go easy on you because of this" Off tipped his chin. Gun narrowed his eyes.


Not wasting any minute, the taller guy wished him good luck and disappeared from his sight, not forgetting to wave his hand at the group of girls standing by the entrance of the library, letting out giggles and chuckles. Gun rolled his eyes. How he wished he just could hit Off with the thick book he's holding right now.

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