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Off Jumpol is a monster.

Gun had woken up to a familiar pain on his lower half and his back hurt more than he expected. He winced slightly as he shifted on the soft bed. Off was nowhere in sight. He was planning to continue to sleep again but the room’s temperature was warmer than Gun preferred and it was already 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Pulling the duvet up to his chin, he tried to look for his underpant and a shirt to cover himself.

“Looking for this?” Off greeted him with a devilish smirk, leaning by the door. The guy was in a bathrobe, hair wet and fresh out of shower. The guy had Gun’s underpant swirled on his index finger.  

“Give it to me” Gun commanded and narrowed his eyes, folding his arms. Not before pulling the duvet until his chin, because Off was boring his intense gaze on Gun again, eyeing him like a prey to be feast on. It made his cheeks coloured, nonetheless.

“There’s no need to cover though, I’ve already seen everything” Off wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. He bunched the underpant into a ball now, throwing it up against the air once in a while.

“Give it back. Right now. Don’t make me go there and kick your ass, Jumpol” Gun gritted between his teeth, glaring. But apparently, Off probably loved to watch Gun dying in embarrassment because the next sentence made Gun choke in his throat.

“Can you even walk, Atthaphan? I was quite rough last night” Off drew his eyebrow upwards, looking smug. 

“Y- you ” Gun only managed to mutter. Cheeks incredibly hot, tips of his ears burned at the flash of memory from last night, their sex escapades around every corner of Off’s suite. 

“I was planning to buy some food for us, but I think I changed my mind. Maybe I should eat Gun kimbab instead for lunch” Off announced before he sprinted towards the bed.

With a shriek from Gun and cackle laughs from Off, the bedroom door closed shut.


“Urgh. Holding hands is so far back in the centuries. it's mushy and disgusting, and only for stupid people. It’s just—too romantic. And I don't do romantic”, Off said, rolling his eyes while fixing the GUCC! watch strap  around his wrist. The fake leather was slightly too tight for him.

“For stupid people? Really?” Gun’s face changed drastically, folding his arms against his chest and looking unfazed at his statement. They were on a date, but Off was being a jerk and Gun swore he would end up strangling this taller guy if he doesn't shut his mouth in the next second.

“Yes” Off quirked his lips. No hesitation there.

“Well, I guess I’m one of those stupid people because guess what, I like it ” said Gun, mouth half pouting with a gaze steered clear from Off’s.

Gun started his track to leave Off and his stupid manly ego until his smaller hand was slipped inside a calloused hand, tangling fingers with him. Gun resisted from smiling and fixed his glare before narrowing his eyes at the taller guy. Off was still wearing the same douche expression on his face earlier.

"What are you doing? I thought you said it was stupid" asked Gun, irritated as he tried to tug his hand  away from Off. 

“God, I was just joking, you brat ” Off pinched at Gun’s nose.

"Although, my opinion still stands. It’s still stupid” Off paused, “but It’s fine because you like it" he continued with a smile tipped against his lips. It felt like victory hollering over his ears when he noticed Gun flushed under his gaze, tips of ears red. His face was looking away but Off could tell he was curling the same smile Off has on his face.

"Come on. Let's see if your short legs can keep up with me"

Tightening their hands, Off pulled Gun forward and started running while the other guy struggled to keep his pace with the other guy. Feeling competitive, Gun tried to trip the other guy. Off almost fell and cursed under his breath. Gun laughed at him and blew raspberry at him. Both of them tried to trip each other, unknowingly hands gripping tight, holding onto each other tighter with smiles on their faces as fondness and endearment seeped into the corner of their hearts, filling it with warmth.

The brunch they had later with both of their parents was awkward as hell and the glare digging on Off’s face from Gun’s father was too intense from his liking. However, surprisingly, everything feels okay. Maybe it's because he’s going to inherit the hotel after he graduates, or maybe it's because their parents didn't say a word about them dating. Although, Off figures, it was probably mostly because of Gun who was there, steady, next to him, and helped Off not to falter in his smile. Somewhere between the hands clasped tight under the table and bubbling laugh, Off realized nothing really matters anymore. As long as they’re together, Off thinks, they can go through anything with smiles adorning their faces.



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